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  L# Help me stock my 29g ^^
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SubscribeHelp me stock my 29g ^^
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
Hiya FPers

As most of you know... i keep changing stocking ideas, since there are SO many fish i like. so this is how i hope this is gonna work.. im putting down a list of fish i like, and you guys tell mw which combo you guys would do!^^And NO TETERAS!!!! I would love to have a trio of livebearers ^^ Thanks alot guys, i really appreciate all your help!
All fish with a * on them are 1st priority and will go in the tank for sure.
-Salt and pepper cories!*(1.5 inch MAX for fem, male 1)
-Golden wonder killies
-zebra danio
-dwarf gurami
-tiger barbs(wont work with most fishys )
-pair of angelfish ( same as ^ )

Tank will be heavily planted
2.0m WPG
Driftwood and other natural decor

Thanks alot guys! ham love u! ^^
Post InfoPosted 16-Aug-2007 02:37Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
skip the angels, too large as adults and will cause problems in the tank whn breeding.

Also skip the tiger barbs. Will limit the stocking.

all of the others are fine, though i would personally considering not getting one species of the "big four" (mollies,swords,platies,guppies) so what im telling you is mollies and swordtails are the larger of the"big4" so in a 29 you will be limited on space by gettin both species. while one is fine.

Also i would consider changing the wonder killies for striped barbs. Alittle harder to find, but the killies and danios would be at the top to much. Stripe barbs again are alittle harder to find, but would look much better, almost like a tiger barb without the nip.they are med size about 4-5 inches and love to school.

They would make a good center fish.IMO
Post InfoPosted 16-Aug-2007 03:59Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
Thanks chris,

I wasn't planning on getting 2 species of the "big 4", and i thought the angels would be tight, and i wasnt thinking TBs cause there not nice, so we have the same ideas^^ almost. I for got about the golden wonder's being up top, but thats why I have some live beareres to add color to the scene ^^ the golden wonder kills add color up top, live bearer for mid, and cories and liev plants for colors below! I wasn't planning on keeping ALL of those species, just some of them! Thanks alot chris u da man
Post InfoPosted 16-Aug-2007 04:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 13-Jun-2004
male usa
certainly i would say for a splash of color, go platies. Smaller and you can go crazy with them. Wide color and hardy.

For the greenish eliment what about a ram. Smaller cichlid, will look good in the tank and be fine with the others .
Post InfoPosted 16-Aug-2007 05:38Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
Thanks for the looks back at this post again chris you ahve no idea how helpfull you are ^^. So i'm thinking of the stock being something like this.. which i think will be a little overstock .
6 salt and pepper cories-7 inches
6 ottos- 12 inches
2 golden wonder killis- ~10 ( ive heard everything from 4 to 6.. )
3 DWARF palties- 4inches
1 dwarf gurami- 2 inches

That all adds up to around 35 inches or more of fish.... BUT!!! Most fish here are pretty slim, and in a heavily planted tank, with good WC and good maintence.. i think it will be fine ^^. Thanks again so much chris, and how do you think the stock is?
Post InfoPosted 16-Aug-2007 05:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
1 inch per gallon rule is outdated so i wouldnt follow it, just use ur head when stocking.

It sounds good, but the DG will get about 3-4 inches, but it shouldnt be a problem.

Also i dont really believe in Dwarf platies, but the platies will be fine in your tank, even if there not labeled "dwarf" Againt they will fit in just fine.

it is fine now, prehaps alittle on the empty side, but give it a few weeks before you make a decision of another fish. Prehaps something larger like a ram to be the Center fish.

it should come out great, remember to stock slow, when you are getting all of these fishes, it is a good idea to go slow. If possible have a 10 gallon for a QT, Quarintine them for like 3 days before adding them. That way you play it safe and less chance of illness.

But overall it should turn out to be a nice looking tank.
Post InfoPosted 16-Aug-2007 23:33Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
omg chris ur so awsome for looking back i lvoe u xD
So - the DG adn add a ram u say? Could i add both? And BTW, i have an empty 10 AND a empty 15, 10 is for QT for now and i'm tearing the 10 down, robbing it of DW and some plants. and would it be alright to have the corries in a 10 for a few weeks? im afraid they'll go out of stock Thanks SOO much for ur help ur the bizzomb home skillet
Post InfoPosted 17-Aug-2007 00:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
remember it is always better to use the QT,

it doesnt make sense to waste money by taking an unnessesary risk of accidently adding a illness to the tank.

Just for a few days just to make sure everything is a ok with the new fishes.

You can get both a DG and a ram, they tend to be in different water levels so their shouldnt be any issues with agression, The only thing is i would hold off on the ram for awhile, maybe two weeks then i would get the ram for the QT, then you can add it to the main tank.

Slow is key, and it should work fine.
Post InfoPosted 17-Aug-2007 03:37Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
so chris, last question ^^, what should be the order if fish to add to the 29g? hardier 1st right?
Post InfoPosted 17-Aug-2007 04:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 13-Jun-2004
male usa
the otos would have to be one of the later ones.

The others tend to be hardy so you can start to stock slowly with the cories, and the DG.

Both tend to be good starters. Then the others can follow in about a week,

The otos should be last as they can sometimes be alittle picky to water. So established water will make their adjustment alot easir.
Post InfoPosted 17-Aug-2007 05:40Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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