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  L# I got rid of my hair algae!
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SubscribeI got rid of my hair algae!
fish patty
Fish Addict
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Registered: 04-Oct-2006
female usa
I've been battling this stuff for about a year now. I have well water which is very high in nitrates from fertilized pasture land. I assume I have high phosphorus too.

I read on this site that people have had good luck removing phosphorus with phosphorus removing pads. I also read that someone had good luck with Flourish excel getting rid of their algae. So I decided to try both. It's been a couple weeks now & no new algae has grown back & what I did have shriveled up & turned a dark green as if it was dying or dead & wasn't slimy when I pulled it out of my tank.

I followed the directions on the bottle which said for the first time to dose for the whole tank, then after that, every day or every other day dose so much for the size of tank you have. It said one capful for 50 gallons, so that's what I use for my 55g.. I use it every day though.

I use no other ferts in my tank or co2. My plants & fish seem unaffected by what I'm doing. I doubt the phosphorus pads are doing any good cause I just add more back in there when I do a water change. I think it's the Flourish excel. Yeah! I'm so happy! My tank is not a pain anymore!
Post InfoPosted 23-Jan-2008 23:05Profile PM Edit Report 
General Hague
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male usa
EditedEdited by General Hague
Congrats! Another thing you could do is get golden snails. I only had hair alage 1 time before, but when I did the golden snails ate some of it.
Post InfoPosted 24-Jan-2008 00:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
Fish Addict
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Registered: 04-Oct-2006
female usa
Thanks General.......I was also told that Flag Fish would eat it, so I bought some. I saw them eat it, but they are so little & I had so much, that they did no good.
I even got out as much as I could, but it just grew too fast for them to keep up with.
Post InfoPosted 24-Jan-2008 02:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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