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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Ideas For 20 Gallon Long
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SubscribeIdeas For 20 Gallon Long
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
Does any one have a suggestion for what to stock a 20 gallon long with? I want something interesting and different, but not too terribly hard to keep. Right now the tank is empty. I had an unfortunate case of camallanus parasites, that pretty much killed everything in the 29 and 20 (now have one goldfish in the 29 - see post on pond/ coldwater). Only the cories and (now only two) platies survives - now in a spare ten gallon. If the cories live (show no signs of illness), I would like to send them to the 20 long. I will be getting my fish from a different LFS from now on.
Post InfoPosted 20-Oct-2007 20:38Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 10-Oct-2003
male usa us-pennsylvania
I would, like you said, move the cories and platies into the 20. Make sure you up their schools to 6 each. As for algae eaters, you could get about 4 or 5 otos. A dwarf red flame or another type of dwarf would add more color to the tank.
Post InfoPosted 20-Oct-2007 20:58Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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