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  L# Ideas For A 135
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SubscribeIdeas For A 135
Posts: 46
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Registered: 23-Aug-2004
male usa
I just wanted some ideas on what to do with a 135 gallon aquarium. I don't actually have it yet, just thinkin' right now. There are so many possibilities that I can't make up my mind. So I will list a few options and see what you folks think. Or, if it's not on the list of options, but you think it would be a neat set-up, let me know. I want to stick to fresh water choices for this one. I guess I should let you know what I have already:

110 g Malawi hap tank
90 g Malawi mbuna tank
45 gallon mixed tetras wtih a pair of bolivian rams
40 g Krib breeder/mixed community
40 g mixed rainbow tank
29 gallon reef
29 gallon planted/mixed community
20 glong planted/asian theme
assorted 10 gallon growouts for cichlids
6 g white cloud minnow tank

here are some possibilities for the 135...
lake tangyanika theme(mixed comps, ie calvus, julies etc)
planted rainbow tank(I would convert the 40 to angels)planted s. american(angels, apistos, lrg school of tetras)
central american rocky lake(2 grps of firemouths and Nics)
some sort of species tank ie. tropheus, fronts, etc
planted mixed community
or other possibilities......?

I thought it would be fun to get your ideas and spark some conversation about what your dream 135 would be....
Post InfoPosted 04-Jan-2007 16:59Profile PM Edit Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 25-Nov-2004
male canada
EditedEdited by Dragonet_Dude
Make it a FOWLR, with Triggers and Groupers and such. Triggers are great, they have the greatest personalities. I have a Gilded (Bluethroat) and a Niger in my reef. My Bluethroat always tries to kill my hand when I'm doing maintenance on the tank, and the Niger (who is about an inch long) tries to be tough and do the same, but it generally does not have the same "effect."
Post InfoPosted 04-Jan-2007 17:20Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jan-2004
female usa
I like the planted rainbow tank idea. That would be gorgeous!

I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.
~ Mae West
Post InfoPosted 04-Jan-2007 17:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 56
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Registered: 17-Jan-2006
male usa
How about a predator tank?

1-2 oscars
1-2 jack dempseys
1-2 green terrors

That is what I would do.
Post InfoPosted 04-Jan-2007 22:42Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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