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  L# Is it overstocked?
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SubscribeIs it overstocked?
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
I have a 29g, and due to an population boom due to the guppies breeding like maniacs, I'm checkin' with u guys that it isn't too overstocked..

In it are..
1 angel (will give it away to a good home)
1 german ram
3 glowlights
2 neons
3 julli cories,
1 panda cory,
2 mollies (both female)
1 platy (female)
4 adult female guppies, 7 adult male guppies, 1 tiny male guppy, 5 tiny females.. and 4 fry in a net breeder.

Is it overstocked?
If it is, let me know n I'll move some of them out to the 15g which is empty Atm.

Post InfoPosted 09-Dec-2006 18:58Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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-Well I would say find a new hoem for the angel.
-Find a new home for a few of the guppies.

-Why not instead of having a bunch of schooling fish one or two larger schools?

-As for the cories. Definatley add to the panda. See pandas are very social cories and different cories have different schooling signs soo he is probably lonely and confused.

-The ram is fine but he may get nippy if the stocking gets larger.
Post InfoPosted 09-Dec-2006 19:11Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Argh, the dreaded 'pick and mix' syndrome ...

Take note of my aquarium's occupants. Which are:

13 Panda corys
12 Cardinals
4 Otocinclus

If anyone says that this is a 'boring' setup because it only has 3 species of fish, let me tell you it's anything BUT boring. My Pandas are at this very moment frolicking like mad at the front of the aquarium, having been fed about an hour ago, and they spawn on average once per week. They also provide me with a range of slapstick comedy antics that would have you on the floor in stitches if you saw them first hand. My aquarium isn't called the Panda Fun Palace for nothing!

The Cardinals are happy too. Because they're in a big shoal. Admittedly they play second fiddle to the Panda Corys because the Pandas are the stars of the show, but the Cardinals put on a nice display of their own because they're in a decent sized group.

My advice?

[1] Rehouse the Angel Fish. This will give you more room for manouevre with respect to other fishes.

[2] Rehouse those livebearers. Again, this will give you room for manouever once you've done it.

[3] Select ONE of your Characin species, and make a decent sized shoal of that one species. 12 individuals at a minimum, 16 would be better.

[4] Find a new home for the julii Corys, and give that lonely Panda at least 8 new playmates of his own species FAST. If you can't, find someone with a big shoal of Pandas and rehouse the Panda somewhere where it will be a LOT happier. If you can, make it 12 Pandas total.

Believe me, it will take time and patience for all of this to bed in and 'gel' properly, but if you do, the resulting display will be something you'll treasure (and hopefully thank me for!) - not least because with a decent group of Pandas, you too can enjoy the madcap spawning antics I've enjoyed for the past 3 years.

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 09-Dec-2006 23:45Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Hi There,
I dont think your tank is overstocked so much
as very poorly stocked.

Lets address the main issues:

3 Glowlights
2 Neons
3 Julli (really not julli, probably trilineatus,
could be aggassizi or ambiacus as well) corys
1 panda cory

These fish are all schooling fish, meaning they need to be
kept in groups of 5-6 or more of their own kind.
You should add 2-3 more glowlights and 3-4 more neons
for appropriately sized schools.
Add 2 more "julli" corys and 4 more panda corys.
5 is still a little slim, but not bad.

For me, my choice would be to Keep the Angelfish,
and get rid of the livebearers.

A good stocking of your tank would be something like this:

1 Angel
1 Blue Ram
5-6 Glowlights
5-6 neons
5 "Julli" corys
5 Panda Corys

Then you could remove the mollies, platy, and all the

You could also rearrange the stocking around.
As angels often eat neons, you could go with something like

1 Angel
1 Blue Ram
6 Glowlight tetras
6 Julli Corys
2 Mollies
1 Platy
4 Male Guppies

4 Female Guppies
2 Male Guppies
6 Panda Cories
6 Neons

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 10-Dec-2006 00:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
EditedEdited by Rookie_Boy

I'm going to find a new home for the angel anyway.
there will be 6 julli and 6 pandas when they are moved to the 55g.

I want to keep the livebearers, I've decided not to buy any more platies, mollies and glowlights until the ones I've got die and then i won't get anymore..

I wanted to have a shoal of 10 neons & the guppies & a pr of rams & some khuli loaches,

and er.. Are angels and rams compatible? Mine aren't.. the angel keep trying to attack the ram.. but I've rearranged the tank with one end heavily planted.. this is where the ram stays.. he does come out a lot and often faces down the angel..

and one more question..
Can guppies breed with mollies/platies? some of the male guppies tried to mate the ram and the mollies and platy. I know they can't breed with rams..
1 male guppy is infautated with the ram and follows the ram around and tries to mate it. a few of the males tries to mate the mollies,
one of the female mollies is infautated with the ram and fights the other female molly & the male guppy that is infautated with her.

thanks everybody..

An update,
One of the female guppies gave birth, I got 7 of the newborns in a plastic breeder.. there are more in the main tank but They won't have much of a chance with that ram n angel in "search n destroy" mode, I'll try to save any others I see.
Post InfoPosted 10-Dec-2006 12:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Hi Rookie,
Usually, rams and angels are compatible.
I keep many rams and 3 angels together in a 75g
It may be however in 29g, that they both are
feeling a need for more space, its hard to say.
Some members of these species seem to prefer more
territory than others.

Some livebearers can hybridize, I believe it is
guppies can hybridize with endlers, mollies,
and platys can hybridize with swordtails.

Its highly unlikely though.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 10-Dec-2006 22:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
oh, good thing that I'm giving away the angel..

Post InfoPosted 11-Dec-2006 09:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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