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SubscribeLip Locking??????
Mega Fish
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Registered: 22-Feb-2003
male australia
EditedEdited by hokese
yes i agree 100 percent,another great informative post longhair,ill print this up to and give you full credit from this site too,i cant wait for my guy to read this,so i can say i told you the acaras i dropped of at my lfs,as yours did, mine sold rite away aswell,and the guy apparently asked why the ones i dropped off look so much betterthan the blues he already had,and also the same with yours too,the guy took them all in 1 go,so its other fish keepers noticing the dramatic change in apperance,and aggression in the true home bread blues
oh listen to this talk about nasty,a freind of mine took 10 babies to get a pair of blues,this was about five batches ago,well as you know long hair,if theres a male and a female, in the rite conditions,the rest is history,so he got a pair,and put them in his mixed affrican tank(i did advise against this because of high ph,but being quite a hardy fish,i said they will cope no worries,but beware of these guys agrression)so now they have paired up and are despatching his affricans 1 by 1,they have totally taken over a 65 gal,i mean it longhair,you had to see these 2 blues in action,EVERYTHING is his tank is constantly being harrassed,and they all have plenty of room,i was there for dinner,so say ruffly about an hour,and they were bullying and shooing the whole time,non stop harrasment,my freind asked why they are like this,he said my other blue acara pair wasnt like this,i simply answered,they are just being true blue homebred acarasi also said if you think your other fish are getting bullied now,wait untill the blues actully put the eggs down,and then have fry hatch out,the aggression triplesso ive lent him a divider while he sorts out his 2 blues,i warned him....loltalk about dominating a tank...far out
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2007 09:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Yeah, my first 4 pairs were like that, they were tiny, maybe under an inch, they were ill and underdeveloped for about 2 months, then they recovered came into full condition and their breeding hormone production started. They started clearing a 55 of competition and any other fish immediately even though they were small. I had to rehouse the other species within 24 hours of their "becoming" or things would have died, and a month later I had to segregate the pairs, again the fighting became so severe. After that the only community I could keep them in was huge tanks, and cichlids much bigger than they are. They were always much better in a species tank allowed to get on with breeding undisturbed.

It was sick, sick, sick, fat, condition achieved,colour restored, BANG!
Post InfoPosted 10-Dec-2007 18:30Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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