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SubscribeLong time no see :)
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Hi, not been on these boards much for a while. But i need some help

I'm finaly taking the leap and getting a bigger tank im upgrading from a 55g to an 80g. I just want to check my stocking because I could go bigger maybe....probably not but slight chance.

Anyway here is my curent stocking

1 Angel fish
5 Dwarf Neon Rainbows
3 Bosmani Rainbows
5 Marbled Hatchets
3 Spotted Headstanders
2 Keyhole Cichlids
6 Botia Histronica
1 Syno Euruptous
6 Bronze Cory's (might be moved soon though)

I run a Rena XP3 which as far as i know should be good enough to filter the new tank as well. Im also going to add a 25 watt heater as well to keep the temparature stable. I plan to heavily plant it and do a half gravel half sand substrate like literaly divide the tank and create habitats to suit certain fish.

The questions are.

1. Do you think i am fully stocked now or do you think there would be room for somthing else?

2. If yes what would you put in, id prefare one larger fish than a school of a few.

3. Any plant sugestions? I currently grow valis corkscrew and valis torta. Along with a few ludwiga's and some wood attachments like anubias and jave fern, also any sugestions as to what does well in sand?
Post InfoPosted 13-Jan-2008 20:10Profile PM Edit Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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male usa us-delaware
EditedEdited by Shinigami
80 g? What are the dimensions on that? You might be able to go for a slightly bigger (or smaller?) tank that would actually give you more surface area for only a small difference in price, which could make a difference in stocking. If you mean the All-Glass 75 gallon, you only get 6 more inches of width over the All-Glass 55. Granted, it is is a difference, but I'm not sure if it's worth it since the tanks look almost exactly the same from the front. Perhaps consider some of the 6' tanks. Well, that's enough of my Big Tank Syndrome...

The eupterus may get pushy when it gets bigger, but as you don't have many other bottom feeders you might not have too much of a problem.

It sounds like a pretty busy tank with the stocking list you've got. Your fish sound good, although there are people that say Angels do better in pairs at least. The keyholes, angels, and the syno will grow up and fill out the tank, so they'll be rather impressive to say the least.

Can't help you too much on plants. I'm looking into them as well; in my low light tank I'm considering a range of plants including some you already have as well as hornwort, wisteria, water sprite, and java moss.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 13-Jan-2008 20:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
Yeah im dreading when my euruptous gets that big, ive had her a few months now. Shes around 6 inches with tail but she is really peaceful I think, not lost any fish to her yet lol. Originaly the angel was in a breeding pair and i had 2 broods from them, but the female died due to an internal bacterial problem (i think), I quarentined her for a month but she was getting no better so i felt it only fair to put her down. Ive been wary of adding more since as my male is quite a large male now.

The tank is a corner tank, its the jewel trigon not sure of the hieght but i think it is 2 foot and then 4 foot along the front and 3 foot down the sides to the back. I need to get the corner because of space issues.

My plans are to just do a full swap over and not add any more at all perhaps a few ottos in a few months to help with algae control in the back corner, but the headstanders do a good algae job at the moment, which i was unaware of when i bought them but was delited to see my UV unit black instead of green lol.

The only other thing I was thinking of was either introducing 3 angels and seeing what happened, but I dont know what would happen, its been nearly a year since the female died now then return the other 2.....or a BGK or a Glass knife but i know i cant so i wont lol.

Also can you give me a size on the keyholes because mine are nearly a year old and the male is biggest at around 3.5 inches maybe 4 at a push. But also Ive read sizes ranging from 3- 6 inches and I'm quite lost as which is corect.
Post InfoPosted 13-Jan-2008 21:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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male usa us-delaware
Ah jeez, I'm terrible with cichlids. I must've meant another species that would get larger. Sorry!

Oh my, a corner tank. When I search for Juwel Trigon, the two most common tank sizes I come up with are 190L and 350L. If it's the latter, it actually gives you more like 90g of volume.

I'd go for bristlenoses instead of otos if you go for algae eaters; they're bigger and I wouldn't worry about them being bite-sized snacks for the eupterus as much either.

A warning on the glass knives. IME they are not very easy to get to feed your average foods, and I have never seen new specimens go for processed foods (not that I have seen very many in my years). Also, exceptionally among knifefish, they liked to be kept in groups. I have tried to keep a trio of these but they wouldn't even respond to any processed foods, which wasn't something I could handle. I saw a couple at the LFS today and was curious to try them, but as they weren't going for the pellets or the flakes I asked the LFS worker to feed, I decided to give them a pass. I'll let the LFS handle them for a few more weeks to see if they acclimate to tank life better; they are a very attractive fish and I'd love to try them again.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 13-Jan-2008 23:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
Yeah its the 350 one, Im in the UK but 90 US gallons works out about right.

Thanks for the heads up on the glass knifes, Ive seen quite a few in the past couple of months at various LFS to where i live but they usually only have singular specimins.

Now we know the exact capacity of the tank, anyone have any fish recomendations? I wouldnt be opposed to an other cichlid, but how about the BGK? Would it be suited to my tank, or would the syno pose a potential threat, or would some others be a potential meal?
Post InfoPosted 14-Jan-2008 15:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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I think one of the severum's would work good in your tank. I had a green one I kept in my community and he did really good. They are really nice center pieces when they get bigger.
Post InfoPosted 17-Jan-2008 11:42Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
Update on the tank

It is ordered its arriving on Friday 1st of Febuary.

Gourami - Yeah I have been considering a severum actually was about to ask some questions relating as well lol

I have been thinking about the stocking again and I have a list of fish I would like to add, just wondered what you all thought of it, input would be really great . I know I can't have them all and I know I can't have some together but just running a few ideas past you to see what comes up, I have read a little about each I list but would go into much more detail befor buying.

You will probably be able to guess I like cichlids, but I am worrying about how they would do in my tank? I have 1 pair of keyholes and the angel (possibly 1 more) would teritory problems arise through this?

Angel fish - Really want at least 1 more to see if I can find a mate for my male.

Severums - I see them sugested a lot and would really like one or two? how would they
fit to the tank do you think? Would I need a pair? How would they interact
with the Angels and keyholes in the tank already?

Pearl Gourami - Not 100% sure I really want this one but I have admired them in display
tanks many a time.

Plecs! - I have none currently, how ever I do have the syno would they conflict? I would
want an interesting looking one but not one that is going to cost more than £15
($30), parents would hit the roof if i told them lol.

Appistos or an other dwarf cichlid - open to any ideas, I was reading about the golden
eyed dwarf cichlid the other night would that be okay?

Any other sugestions? I would prefare specimens rather than schools.

Thanks really apreciate any comments I get from this
Post InfoPosted 17-Jan-2008 20:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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