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  L# New fish (mixed emotions)
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SubscribeNew fish (mixed emotions)
Posts: 115
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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
So I went to an LFS where I had a credit note. And i decided to get 2 leopard danios for one in my tank that was mis sold as a baby zebra and 2 peppered cories.

I also wanted a bronze cory and a plec (i posted in a different post about an L147) this one had gone and they only had an L202 or commons and i really didnt want a common and I was unfamiliar of L202, I only know about the plecs I like lol so didnt want to risk it incase it was a monster like plec. And the only bronze cory they had was quite fat about the same size as mine but a lot fatter but I wasnt sure if this was a sign of egg ladeness, disease or general obeseness. Opted against it. They had some nice synos but only Euruptus and also one begining with G.

So i came home with 2 peppered cories and 2 leopard danios.......later on the friend I was with came and said i got you a present......the large cory and a syno euruptus.

Now the questions,

My tank is a 55uk gallon long tank (65 US gallon)

1. Do you think the cory will be okay? I've found an other image of a pregnant cory and it looks similar though not identical, The scales are not pineconed at all and look natural, its just really fat....I've named it Rollie (because its nicer than fatty), or could it be egg laiden?

2. The syno euruptous, do you think it will be okay in my tank? It will grow a little bigger than I would like for a bottom dweller but I am more than happy to keep it as it is beautiful. But what do you think? The fish is about 2 and a half inches. The only other bottom dweller of notable size is my dojo loach so it wont have to compete for room on the bottom and there are many hiding places along the bottom. I'm a little reluctant to take it back as I dont want to offend my friend, but if i have to i have to and i hope they will understand.

Thanks for reading this much and replies will be really appreciated
Post InfoPosted 12-May-2007 22:46Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Hi there,
just so you know, Cory cats should be kept in groups of 6 or more of the same species. So to keep them happily you should have 6 bronze and 6 pepper corys.
The fat one is most likely an egg laden female. females are noticely wider and fatter from above and tend to be larger overall than the slimmer looking males.
The syno eupterus will acheive about 8-10 inches in length, and can be semi territorial when they age.
They "may" eat small fishes like the danios when mature, but are generally a peaceful fish suitable for most communities. It should be ok in your tank with no problems.
They are gorgeous fish.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 13-May-2007 07:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
cool thankyou very much

I will see about the corys and building their schools. I might have to seperate the two and give some to a freind so i keep the peppered and they have the bronze.

Glad to hear that the syno will be okay . And the danios will be moving in june anways to help start a new tank, its going to be all smallish schooling fish
Post InfoPosted 13-May-2007 09:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
Posts: 3238
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
I dont see why you couldnt have a school of 6 of each
cory plus the syno and even a pair of fancy smaller plecos in your tank. Theres more than enough room.

L202 pleco is a dwarf Peckoltia species reach about 4.5 inches or so. A good choice.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 13-May-2007 21:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 115
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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
um there are other fish in the tank probably should have said lol sorry ^^''

In the tank now there is

2 Angel fish
2 Keyhole cichlids
2 Long finned rams
5 Congo tetras
7 Zebra danio
1 BN plec
1 Dojo Loach
8 Cory cats
1 Syno Euruptus

I doubt I have the I?
Post InfoPosted 14-May-2007 00:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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