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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Rainbowfish
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Registered: 23-Aug-2006
female usa
EditedEdited by silver_fish
I've had a Rinbowfish before, (the Boseman's Rainbow) and I fell in love with them again when I stumbled into my local LFS. They had some real beauties I had never seen before, including the Red version, and one that remarkably had the same coloration as a smallmouth bass.

In any case, I have recently had some deaths and my 15 gallon tank is now empty. As I wait for the cycle to finish off (I'm guessing two weeks or so, but I'm not in a big hurry anyways) I was pondering what to fill it with. Rainbows came to mind, and I know they are easy to care of. However, I know it is only a 15 gallon tank, and I don't want to overstock or cause unneccisary stress on any fish I may get.

So, what info do you guys have on rainbows, your experience, and what I may be able to do with my 15 gallon (long) tank? Also, I know this is a weird question post wise, but if I want to give my tank proper lighting, what should I look for at the LFS, bulbwise and sizewise? The only lighting unit I have is a single bulb system and it easily falls into the tank, but claims it fits a 15 gallon long tank.

Thanks for all your help,

Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2007 05:59Profile PM Edit Report 
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male usa
blue eyed signifiers would work. Their genus is pseudomogil, I believe.
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2007 07:45Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Also try the Checkered Rainbow, Melantonia Australis Splendida. Get three I recomend two females to a male. and for a color variation in the tank add Rummey nose tetras. This with your bottom scavengers wont over load the tank. I currently have one checkered and a pair of Axelrodi with danios and a CAE in a ten gallon.

I also recomend live plants as sometimes rainbows nibble between meals.

One other thing about the checkered Rainbows they eat small snails. If you do go with the Bosmani's the 2 female to 1 male is a must IMHO I had a pair and the male was always chasing after the female.

As for the lights try this. Measure the length of the tank and ask for a light to fit that length. I would also go with a flourescent light. I am not sure what you have but a 2 tube system is bestOne normal one plant growth bulb.

Hope this helps.

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Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2007 19:41Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 23-Aug-2006
female usa
Hm...ok. My main concern was not to overload the tank (I think I'm doing that with my 20 gallon, but that's another story...)

So, I'm limited to Boseman's Rainbowfish and Checker Rainbowfish? Ok...I did find all the other kinds interestng as well, but I'd rather have those go to a good home than be cramped.

Three is a good number...and some tetras too? What number could I go with there? I would like a full looking, yet happy tank setup.

I do have some floating Anarchis plants in my other tank, would some of those work for Rainbows for nibble material?

I'll give the lighting idea a try. Thanks for all the good advice thus far.

Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2007 23:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Hi there,
Boesmanis are a much much too large rainbowfish for
a 15 gallon tank. These fish should be kept in at least
55 gallons. They reach 5-6 inches in length.

My recommendation of rainbow species for your size tank, are any of the following, in a group of 3 or more.

Threadfin Rainbows - 1.5 inches
Celebes Rainbows - 2.5 inches
Blue Eye Furcata Rainbows - 1.5 inches
Dwarf Neon Praecox Rainbows - 2 inches
Macchulochis Rainbow - 3 inches

Check this website for more rainbows to fit your tank.
For 15g, Id recommend no fish that exceeds 3 inches
in length.

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Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2007 23:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 23-Aug-2006
female usa
Hmm...I don't know if I've seen any of those at my LFS.

If Rainbows are out of the picture, what other kinds of fish can I get that would be common enough to be found in most LFS tanks, but be maybe a little flshy or bright, especially against a dark blue gravel bed?
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2007 01:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Check this website for more rainbows to fit your tank.
For 15g, Id recommend no fish that exceeds 3 inches
in length.

This is an excellent website, Also If you dont add more than 3 Rainbows, I think you wont have a problem with the Bosemans in a 15, just make sure it isnt a long term situation once they get big. As for the Anachris, Im not sure, My checkered and Axelrodi didnt really take to it that well, but They do lke Aponageton when they are small.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2007 02:56Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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