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  L# Rearranging my tanks again...
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SubscribeRearranging my tanks again...
Mega Fish
Posts: 942
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Registered: 20-Feb-2004
male usa
It's been awhile since I've visited these forums. So I figured I'd give an update on my situation.

I have a 75 gallon that is now going to hold all of my current fish(except Bettas). Plus I plan on adding a Rainbow Shark and a Dwarf Gourami to this tank. The tank will then hold the following:
2 Pearl Danios
1 long-fin Blue Danio
1 male Swordtail
3 Peppered Cories
2 Brown Cories
1 Clown Pleco
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Dwarf Gourami

After moving those fish into the 75 gallon, I'll have an empty 25 gallon tank.
My plans are to have this tank as an unheated tank. But the room temp will keep the tank fairly constant, from a low of about 72F(winter) to about 77F(summer). The stock I plan for this tank is the following:
12 White Cloud Mountain Minnows
5 male Guppies
? Cherry Shrimp

Any comments or suggestions are welcome!
Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2007 03:59Profile PM Edit Report 
Communications Specialist
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Just make sure you have a lot of structure on the bottom of the tank for the rainbow sharks to duke it out. I had two rainbow sharks in a 55 gallon tank, and they just sat in the exact middle of the tank and pushed each other back and forth, then died. Structure will give them places to stake out and duck behind should they start chasing each other.

With the dwarf gourami, they may fight if you get two males, but a 75 should give them enough room to get away from each other most of the time.

Other than that, looks alright except you might want to add a few more danios, the more the merrier! And what's with the lone swordtail? I'll be he's sad
Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2007 10:16Profile Homepage ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 942
Kudos: 1796
Registered: 20-Feb-2004
male usa
EditedEdited by T/A
As for the Rainbow Shark and Dwarf Gourami, I'm only getting one of each. So I shouldn't have any fighting problems there.

The reason for the incomplete shoals of Danios and Cories, they are all the survivers of my brother's tanks. Although I know it would be best for the fish, I just don't want to be stuck with a crap load of Danios and Cories.

I'd definitely would like to have more male swordtails. But I'm a little worried about my guys temper toward other males of his species. He already stressed out a Koi Swordtail to the point where the Koi wouldn't even eat. After just 3 weeks in the tank together, the Koi died.

This is a much larger tank now(25g to 75g), with more tankmates.
Do you think I could add more male Swordtails without causing problems? Is it like male Guppies, the more you have the less problems between them?
Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2007 03:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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