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  L# Red Claw Shrimp or African Fan Shrimp or tiny shrimp? (involves fish too)
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SubscribeRed Claw Shrimp or African Fan Shrimp or tiny shrimp? (involves fish too)
General Hague
Posts: 182
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Registered: 29-Jun-2007
male usa
For about 9 months I had the same fish in a 20 gallon high tank that has lots of plants, driftwood, high lights, gravel, undergravel filter, air pump (for 40 gallon tanks), hang on back filter (for 40 gallon tanks), heater.

Fish that I kept in it were:

4 Clown Loaches (still small)
1 King Tiger Pleco
1 Chocolate Zebra Pleco??? not sure but it is a lot smaller than the King Tiger PLeco
1 Panda Cory (others died 1 by 1, I think eaten by clown loaches. Last one I saw that died was injured and maybe was bloody? before he died)
3 Siamese Alage Eaters (still small)
2 Denison Barbs (still small, same size as siamese alage eaters)

I acquired a 90 gallon tank 2 months ago. Previous owner had it for 3 years. Not going to get in details about the specs of this tank, but it has more filtration than the 20 gallon, but lower lights and less plants per area. This would be the permanent home of the fish mentioned above if they got too big.

Any ways I put all the fish that were in the 20 gallon tank in the 90 one for winter break. I go back to college on the 6th. I'm bringing my 20 back with me and I kind of want to add a shrimp to the tank. But what kind of shrimp I will get will depend on what fish I put back in the 20 gallon tank. So I'd be interested in any lists of fish using the following:

1 Firemouth Ciclid (bought him after I got the 90 gallon tank, I kind of want to add him to the 20)
4 Clown Loaches
1 King Tiger Pleco
1 Chocolate Zebra Pleco???
3 Siamese Alage Eaters
2 Denison Barbs

Clown Loaches I really love! But... They could possibly be a problem for eating small shrimp. Not as likely for red claw shrimp or the fan shrimp but I wouldn't rule it out 100%.

If I added the firemouth ciclid, it could eat the small shrimp possibly or maybe ignore them.

The Denison Barbs, one got bigger than the other. The bigger one sometimes picked on the smaller one in the 20. But they get along fine in the 90. So I wonder if it be ok to put them in back in the 20, or put 1 in both tanks or just leave both in the 90.

The Panda Cory is going to be sold to the LFS.

Ok for Shrimp that I have access to in my area are: Asian fan Shrimp, African Fan shrimp, Ghost Shrimp, Ammano Shrimp, Cherry Chrimp, Rudolph Shrimp, and red claw shrimp.

So if I keep the clown loaches in the 20 gallon tank. Not going to get the Ammano, Cherry, Ghost, and Rudolph shrimp.

If I keep the clown loaches in the 20, either the african fan shrimp or red claw shrimp. Here is a link to red claw shrimp

So yeah I'd appreciate if people would advise me on which fish to add the tank as well as shrimp.

And just going to say thank you in advance
Post InfoPosted 02-Jan-2008 00:48Profile PM Edit Report 
The girl's got crabs!
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female australia au-newsouthwales
I would be very wary of putting any macro shrimp in a fish tank. I'm not familiar with that particular species but from the ones I have dealt with, they are VERY good hunters and won't be shy about trying to catch fish.

You might have difficulty with the loaches and barbs and I would not be putting the firemouth back in. I'm fairly sure he'll grow like a weed and be quite large before next winter, and they aren't really the most docile and sociable of fishies. Shrimp are probably going to be fair game from the word go.

I'd go with a large bodied shrimp with no claws, so probably a fan shrimp, or a fair few of the smaller variety and just see how they go.

Ideally I'd drop the CLs and the firemouth and *possibly* the denison barbs if you want a safer shrimp environment, but if you can alter the barb behaviour by increasing that group size (small ones, and they will need to move up to the 90 sooner rather than later) and if the CLs are small enough, you could be OK.

I have to say though, that is a lot of fishies to squish into a 20high, especially with 2 plecs messing up the place. I'd consider switching to a RUGF setup (replace air pump with powerheads set on reverse) if that wouldn't upset the plants too much and maybe think about permanently removing part of the fish load to your home tank during summer.

For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. - Terry Pratchett

Post InfoPosted 02-Jan-2008 13:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
General Hague
Posts: 182
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Registered: 29-Jun-2007
male usa
Well the firemouth was never in my 20 gallon tank, only the 90. It is about 2 inches long and doesn't show any sign of aggression at all, I saw they get up to 6 inches though. At the LFS, they kept the red claw shrimp with female guppies. I didn't see any dead guppies.

African Fan Shrimp $20 (up $5 )
Wood Shrimp $6 or $15 (6 at petco/petsmart)
Cherry Shrimp $3 or $6 (most likely find only $6 ones)
Rudolph Shrimp $6
Ammano Shrimp $3
Ghost Shrimp $0.50 or $1 ($0.50 at petco/petsmart)

I kind of want to try out the red claw shrimp. Do you think they could pose a threat to any of the fish mentioned earlier? If not, I'll consider the other shrimp then.
Post InfoPosted 02-Jan-2008 23:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
The girl's got crabs!
Posts: 9662
Kudos: 5261
Registered: 16-Sep-2001
female australia au-newsouthwales
If you get really small ones, as in just a bit larger than ghost shrimp, and perhaps ones that have been injured and have no primary pincers, you should be right for a while.
I really don't trust macro shrimp with fish, but if I was going to try, that would be the way that I would go. They grow quickly though, and those primary nippers come back within one moult at that size, so be vigilant.

Depending on how small 'small' is for the fish, you could have some deaths, but it is unlikely you'd find carcasses.

For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. - Terry Pratchett

Post InfoPosted 03-Jan-2008 03:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 285
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Registered: 13-Mar-2007
australia au-northernterritory
I'm with Callatya on this one... I wouldn't trust macrobrachium species with fish. Be very careful.

I have seen macros try taking down fish the same size as them, they also tend to get fairly territorial. The larger macro species eg M. rosenbergii will attempt to eliminate everything else within the space that it declares it's own irrespective of size.

I've never kept the particular species you are talking about, so you may have a different experience, but I would be cautious. If it were me and I was really set on getting a macro, I'd probably turn the 20g into a species tank for it (but that leaves you in a bind with all your existing fish)

Good Luck


Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.
Post InfoPosted 03-Jan-2008 03:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
General Hague
Posts: 182
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Registered: 29-Jun-2007
male usa
EditedEdited by General Hague
I think I would have better luck with the macro species that they sell at the LFS in my area. However there is still some risks So I'm for sure am going to get a fan shrimp and maybe tiny shrimp. If I go with tiny shrimp, I might go with these guys: Since they are larger than cherry shrimp, although I like the red color of cherry shrimp more...

Hmm it will be tough. Ammano Shrimp are much cheaper but aren't as interesting looking to me in my opinion. Although they are still cool, along with ghost shrimp.

Still thinking about what to get and stock. hmm
Post InfoPosted 03-Jan-2008 06:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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