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  L# Send in your Votes :D 10g 2 stocking ideas!
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SubscribeSend in your Votes :D 10g 2 stocking ideas!
Posts: 97
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
EditedEdited by Lindy
Ok folks, here's the choices.. both are moderaly planted( java moss, anachris, frill, moneywort) on 1.5WPG and some of Kent's FW ferts, DW, a HOB, and maybe some hiding palce decor.

Option 1.- 2 delicous dwarf puffers The biggest con is that my LFS has them in very bad condition some even have this white moldy stuff on them

Option 2.- A few ADFs, a Apple snail or 2, a trio of endlers, maybe ottos instead of the Apple snail, excess endlers will face the wrath of the 4 inch guaramis and killi's mabye even throw some ghosty shrimps in there, or what the hey, dwarf guaramis? who knows xD

Option 3.- Keep as a hospital tank incase anything goes wrong in the 29g.. which isnt 2 likely.. nothing wrong so far

Or help me decide a combo of the following fish.. i really dont know what to pick >_<
-Kuhli Loaches
-Dwarf Guaramis
-Rams (maybe....)
-Cherry Barbs
-Betta, male or female
- i dont know what else
-Fire Belly Toads...

Thanks! i have no idea what to put O_O;

Post InfoPosted 23-Oct-2007 00:24Profile PM Edit Report 
DeletedPosted 23-Oct-2007 00:24
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Fish Addict
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Registered: 10-Oct-2003
male usa us-pennsylvania
3 otos and 6 khulis would do the trick for me I know it sounds overstocked but consider the body mass of each fish which is next to nothing.
Post InfoPosted 23-Oct-2007 00:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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male usa
6 cherry barbs- nice peaceful smaller barbs- and a few ottos- great algae cleaners
Post InfoPosted 24-Oct-2007 00:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
Go on.......
Post InfoPosted 24-Oct-2007 00:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 11-Jul-2007
male usa
3 female bettas, heavily planted with plenty of hiding places. I like the female bettas, if you pick some that are in great shape they can be as colorful as the males.


Colts Fan For Life
30g platy tank: 2 sunburst wag platys, 2 redtailed white calico platys, 2 red wag platys, 1 fry(not sure who it belongs to), 1 Golden CAE.
Bettas:1 VT male
Post InfoPosted 24-Oct-2007 05:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 97
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
coltsfan.. what else? i like ur idea
Post InfoPosted 24-Oct-2007 05:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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