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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Tank Changes
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Fish Addict
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Registered: 11-Feb-2004
male uk
EditedEdited by shekoi
hello all

i've been away from the site for sometime due to getting a job and no longer being a student

anyway a lot has happened to my tanks since.

70g planted - brother overdosed excel while i was on holiday, resulted in all crpyts melting and making big mess so water not good, resulted in fungus out break - i treated it but lost 1 glowlight, 2 ottos 1 neon rainbow and my fav fish my 7year old marble angelfish

so i had a large clean out, all plants that where affected binned along with all overgrown plants, tank now looks very bare towards what is was, nolonger a jungle.
but all fungus cleared and no fish losses in several weeks.

so i've decided to do a restock of both my large tanks, this will involve rehousing some fish and moving other around.

so i'm after your help in deciding what fish to stock - -aquascape not changing to much so not going tangs or malawis or saltwater.

60g planted with bogwood
male swordtail
6 ottos
5 glowlights
9 H. Rasbora
1 crossocheilus siamensis
5 noen rainbows

40g - bogwood, java moss/fern might add few more lowlight plants.
1 female swordtail
1 male swordtail
5 silver hatchets
5 corries
1 bristlenose pleco
1 l001
1 clown pleco
12 neon tetras

all suggests weclome, only fish will not rehouse are plecos and hatchets

Post InfoPosted 05-Oct-2006 16:31Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
Posts: 2790
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Registered: 26-Mar-2004
male usa us-northcarolina
It looks to me like either tank could house a happy pair of dwarf cichlids like keyholes, rams, apistos, nannacaras or whatever.

Sorry about your losses, make sure to get that tank planted back up.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 07-Oct-2006 18:33Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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