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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Tank Mates For Tetra Schools
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SubscribeTank Mates For Tetra Schools
Posts: 21
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Registered: 25-Jul-2006
Hi all I'm trying to decide on some tank mates for my tetras.
I have a 40 gallon tank (3'long) with a small school of cardinals and rummy noses 3 julli corys and a bristle nose. the tank has very softwater around 3 and a ph of6.2-5. It is planted and overfiltered and never get nitrates over 20 usually only <10 (except when I'm lazy).

Anyway I'm looking for something bigger that inhabits the middle to top region as the tetras tend to be middle to bottom. I was thinking of an angel or two or maybe gourami.

Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2007 03:00Profile PM Edit Report 
General Hague
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Registered: 29-Jun-2007
male usa
There are Marble Hatchets and silver hatchets. Rainbow fish spend a lot of time at towards the top. Some rainbow fish can get kind of big but you have a 40 gallon which is fairly big, if you wanted small rainbows though, there are drawf rainbowfish such as neon rainbows for example. Danios spend a lot of time towards the top. Probably a horrible idea, but you could also get a butterfly fish. They always stay at the surface of the water, but they could possible eat a tetra if they came at the top of the water.
Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2007 04:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Communications Specialist
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I'd advise against the angels, they eat tetras in the wild That and they need a tank with at least an 18" height.

i agree with the general, small rainbowfish would look really nice in there. The praecox (dwarf neon) rainbows have a nice light blue sheen with red lining on their fins if you wanted to carry the blue/red theme. Maybe a dwarf gourami of some sort? They're a bit bigger and tend to stay in the upper regions of the tank.

Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2007 10:08Profile Homepage ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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