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  L# The final stokcing list, overstcok ! :(
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SubscribeThe final stokcing list, overstcok ! :(
Posts: 97
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
SO here is the list for my 29g, which is over stocked.
-3 endlers
-6 salt and pepper cories
-3 platies
-1 dwarf gurami
-2 gold guaramis, one is a differnt color variation
-3 ottos

-3 wistera
-9 anachris
-java moss
-1 java fern

(maybe getting more )

And for my 10, there is two possible lists..
-1 betta
-7 small schooling fish ( neons or harlies or sumthin)
-i think thats over stocked :/
-1 betta
-few ADFS
-few coolie loaches
- some   snails

Both tanks are decently planted, or soon will be.

Ideas guys? Lemme here whats better.. since its overstocked. Ham and his stupid ideas
Post InfoPosted 04-Sep-2007 07:37Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 13-Jun-2004
male usa
your fine... the blue gouramies take up alot of room, but your fine number wise.
Post InfoPosted 04-Sep-2007 08:13Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
Am I fine, or right at the peak of over stock? cause i was thinking about upping the cory school to 8 but i think that is to much. :/ Thanks for the fast reply! ^^
Post InfoPosted 04-Sep-2007 15:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 13-Jun-2004
male usa
2 more cories are fine.

The only thing that stands out is the endlers V. the blue gouramies.

It probably wont work due to size, the gouramies might eat th smaller males.
Post InfoPosted 04-Sep-2007 17:39Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 97
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
oh... wow... they might EAT them... when i go to pick up the guarami's.. i'll look at the mouth size and see up close and persona;. The Endlers are still small.. adult, but small. Thanks chris!
Post InfoPosted 04-Sep-2007 19:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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