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  L# Too Many Fish for 47 gallon tank?
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SubscribeToo Many Fish for 47 gallon tank?
Small Fry
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Registered: 04-Aug-2008
2 upsidedown catfish
2 pepper Catfish
2 bronze Catfish
2 Brittlenose Catfish
2 Golden Algae Eaters
2 Clown Loach
2 Kuhli Loach
7 Neon Tetras
4 Guppies
5 Tiger Bar

Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2008 16:26Profile PM Edit Report 
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female usa
I admit I don't have much personal experience w/ most of your fish, but have kept Golden Algae Eaters before, and they are somewhat territorial. What are the dimensions of your tank? You have a lot of bottom dwellers, and you are going to need defined places for your GAEs to defend. They aren't particularly agressive in my experience, they just like having a cave or dark place to themselves, and they don't share well. They also get pretty big. Personally, I would see if your LFS can re-home one of them.
Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2008 17:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 04-Aug-2008
Length: 32.5" (82.5cm)
Width: 17" (43cm)
Height: 19" (48cm)

My upsidedown catfish live in hole and are rarely seen, all of my other catfish just seem to swim around the bottom all day. none of them seem to have any problems with each other
Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2008 17:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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the bronze catfish, pepper catfish, clown loaches, and some times kuhli loaches like t be in groups of 6 or more and the clown loaches get really big and need a 125 gal atleast for a proper group and will not be happy if they in any smaller group the corys u got which are the pepper and bronze catfish need a group of 6 or more the BN plecos produce a lot of wastr and eat a lot they will need some other food than just the alge tiger barbs will get nippy and nip the fins of the guppies and if u have all male guppies they will try to breed with eachother and will strees them out and can kill them and if u get all thos groups ull be way over stocked so u are gona need to take some back or give them away so they will do better. the gold algae eaters will bug all yo fish and dominate the tank and probly kill a lot of fish so i dont know wat to tell u but take some bak or give them away,
Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2008 23:05Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 04-Aug-2008
So if i get rid of the algae eaters and guppies i can get some more clown loaches and catfish
Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2008 23:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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no ull still have to many bottem feeders and the clown loaches need atleast a 125 gallon tank so dude get rid of the 2 GAE and 1 BN pleco and the guppies and get like 8 or the corys 2 of the kuhli loaches like 3 neon tetras and like 1 to 3 barbs then u can get some kinda of centerpice fish and it would be the best for yo fish.
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 00:29Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 04-Aug-2008
sounds good, what sort of centerpiece fish would you recommend
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 01:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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well with the fish u have i think u would have to get some type of small chichlid or somethin like that cuz the barbs will get kinda nippy some times even if they are in that size of a school.
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 01:35Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
General Hague
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male usa
EditedEdited by General Hague
I personally don't like Guppies, but if you like them, go ahead and keep them, but I say give those away. Clown Loaches are really amazing looking, but you will eventually have to bring them back to the LFS or get a bigger tank. If you don't want to deal with that. I'd suggest getting other loaches such as yo yos, zebras, tigers, and other loaches like that. Though if you get any of those, try to stick with one 5-6+ of one type, and not 1-3 of many types of loaches. Same thing goes for the cories. They cories are fine as they are now, but it would be better to have either only 4 bronze or 4 pepper corries. I'm not sure how big the tank is, if its big enough you could get like 4 peppered and 4 bronze, but if it did have that much room, it would still be better yet to have only either 8 peppered or 8 bronze
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 02:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 04-Aug-2008
thanks guys. i just got rid of the golden algae eaters. my two clown loaches have formed a school with the 5 tiger barbs. and my pepper and bronze corys all hang out together. the upside down cats just stick to themselves in a rock cave.
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 02:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 04-Aug-2008
do i have to lose a brittlenose right now? they are onlt about 1cm long
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 03:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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yea ur gona need t soon or u are gna have to feed them some types of fruit and other stuff like that they really need a lot f food they are big eaters and ur still gona need more corys.
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 04:34Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 04-Aug-2008
my peppers and bronzes do seem to be happy with other, will that change when they get bigger?
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 05:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 04-Aug-2008
you suggested i get a small chichlid as a centerpiece fish. do i only get one?
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 05:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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yea corys do like to be in big groups but yea depending on wat cichlid u get but i would get some type of ram like a bolivan ram and u only get one.
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 05:27Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 04-Aug-2008
thanks for your help
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 05:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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haha i was a lot like u when i first started. its alll good im always happy to help.
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2008 05:57Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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