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Subscribeinmates of my tanks?! I really need some suggestions
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Registered: 12-Jun-2005
female usa
I just got 55g tank and it is ready to go.
The 55
5 mollies
6 zebra danios
6 young angels
6 lambchop rasboras
2 ottos
2 juvenile clown loaches
2 golden chinese algae eaters
12 rosy reds ($.05each)(that is what the fishie store called them) they were my cycling guys
The 29
6 albino cory cats
Post InfoPosted 16-Feb-2006 00:10Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
I think you are fully stocked...maybe even over stocked.

The danios may nip your angels when their fins get long and pretty.

Chinese algae eaters get aggressive with age and may try to suck the slime coat off your other fish. I had one kill 2 of my zebra danios.

Clown loaches eventually get too big for a 55g. They can get about 12 inches long.

Just a few suggestions.

Post InfoPosted 16-Feb-2006 00:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
EditedEdited by esandbergger
thanks for the input...I had been planning on using my 55 for everyone and the 29 for breeding purposes, basically any mollies that are preg go there and also if i notice any spawning behavior. My angels think that cory eggs are a real treat so i moved them over there. I have a decent amount of vegetation and a a lot of lava rocks for hidey holes. I hardly see the ottos, loaches or, chinese algae eaters at all...
As the loaches get bigger, i will trade them back to my lfs for smaller ones, so not to worry.
Post InfoPosted 16-Feb-2006 01:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
Its good to know you have a plan.

Make sure you can trade the CAE's in also, if they get aggressive. You wouldn't want them killing any of your fishies. They get pretty big also...can't remember the exact number watch them.

If the zebra danios give you any problems when the angels get bigger, you can always move them to the 29g. Just make sure you have that backup plan because they can be pretty nippy.

Post InfoPosted 16-Feb-2006 17:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
6 angels ALONE could easily fill up that tank.

Post InfoPosted 16-Feb-2006 22:37Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
6 angels ALONE could easily fill up that tank.

Yes, I forgot to mention that you only need to keep 2-3 of the angels, when they are bigger.

I would only suggest keeping one because a pair can be aggressive when breeding and 3 or more is really only trouble. I would give atleast 3 of the angels to the LFS when they get bigger.

6 grown angels will make your tank look extremely small...not to mention crowded with all the other fish.

Post InfoPosted 17-Feb-2006 07:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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plus the loacher need to be kept in groups i suggest atleast 4-5. you can keep them because they do grow rather slowly but you are already close to your stocking limit. i would drop 2 angel, both cae, the 12 rosy's and also drop either the corry's or the loaches. after that i would build up either the loaches (4-6) or the corry's(10-12) and up the rasboras (12) it they are the smalle type. i would aslo think about getting rid of the danios, i really like them myself but this way you could have a nice slow moving tank as the danios may be a little too exciting for the angels.

Post InfoPosted 19-Feb-2006 08:56Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland

-Angels: yes, 6 will definitely fill a 55g. I've kept pairs before, but they never spawned so maybe I had M/M or F/F. I personally wouldn't try breeding them in a community setup, so maybe keeping just 1 would be best.

-Danios and rasboras: I would choose one or the other, not both. The rasboras are more peaceful, they would be my choice. At that point-and depending on what you do with the rest of your stock-you could increase their school size.

-Otos or CAE: otos IMO I'd get rid of the CAE before they cause any problems.

-Clown loaches: they aren't schoolers but like to have company of their own kind. As you know, they are slow growers and I wouldn't think you'd have a problem selling them when they're too big for your tank.

-Rosies: here's a link][/link] to some rosie info. they're definitely hardy but what I got from researching them in the past is that they prefer faster moving water and temps in the low 70°s. Depending upon where you live you could setup a tub pond for them outside (one of those whiskey-barrel type things). Or a [link=patio pop-up pond (I spend too much time online )

So that leaves the mollies and cories, which I think are in your 29g now (sorry if I'm mistaken, it's still early here).

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 19-Feb-2006 16:37Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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When they get bigger, you must only keep a pair of Angels & i would return 1 CAE back to the LFS, as 1 is enough to keep the Algae from growing in your tank.

CL's need to be in groups, but your tank is already stocked, so don't add more.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 02:17Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 12-Jun-2005
female usa
jeez thanks a lot for the info YAY
I have moved my cories over to the 29 and am working on the mollies. I am still a new person so that helps me a lot, plus lately i am feeling like a blonde.....
Post InfoPosted 02-Mar-2006 09:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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EditedEdited by longhairedgit
I often feel like blondes

Feel no shame in being a newbie, everyone has to start somewhere, and at least you can get guidance here, but with fishy choices like those MTS isnt far away. I think mts often leads to becoming an experienced keeper, and then you spend the rest of the time making up excuses about why you havent got MTS. This is called SODCMTS,otherwise known as Suspension Of Disbelief Compounded Multiple Tank Syndrome. This is a terminal disease in experienced aquarists where they actually believe their own lies about not having MTS, and go around telling everyone not to get MTS .

Its a terribly solitary disease, it leads you to run out of space for furniture, run to the limits of your finances, have cycled tanks around the house, with nothing in them , just on the offchance something gets sick, you will NOT tolerate nitrate reading of more than 10 ppm, any trace of algae is punishable with self flagellation, and you firmly believe goldfish should be given their own island to live on free of the constraints of small tanks. You will typically know more about fish diseases than human ones and will probably die from a common cold, which is just as well, because you will have no friends (dont have the time for those , I have water changes to do) spouses will have left you and the child support agency is after you for the money you spent on a new ro unit. There is no saving you because by then your memory for practical tasks will have faded because you can now only remember the complete colour patternation of every species of cichlid when it displays for any concievable reason including weddings and bah mitzvahs.

And the only benefit is that you never have to turn lights on because the illumination from the tanks makes the place look like a shopping mall, and burglars always assume you are in cos the lights go on and off automated by timers, possibly even set up to different world time zones - so it even looks like you were in and went to bed. You will actually be in, but youll be up watching your nocturnal fish.

Its all downhill from there.

btw, dont get mts, its a terrible
Post InfoPosted 02-Mar-2006 11:42Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
female usa
You may want to try this:

2x Angels
5x Mollies
6x rosboras
2x ottos

The clown loaches will need to be moved within a year. THEY GET BIG. Also, arn't rosy reds coldwater fish?

Post InfoPosted 02-Mar-2006 21:48Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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female usa
EditedEdited by chelaine
One thing i noticed is. we both have the same tanks, with alot of the same inhabitants...

in my 29 i would do mollies and danios
in the 55 i would cut down to 2 or 3 angels
everyone keeps saying clown loaches get huge.. but IME it takes FOREVER for them to get big.. i have two in my 55 and they're been the same size for awhile.

so whats the deal with the rosy reds? you used them for cycling, do you plan on keeping them? IMO i'd pitch them too, they prefer cold temps and most of the fish you have there are tropical temps

if you wanna take a look here's a link to my profile and the stocking list for each of my tanks.

I love the fishes cuz they're SOOO delicious...
Post InfoPosted 03-Mar-2006 06:19Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 12-Jun-2005
female usa
well, i'd been hoping that the rosies would get eaten, but they are way too big for my angels at this point
Post InfoPosted 15-Mar-2006 03:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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