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  L# 3 Questions In One
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Subscribe3 Questions In One
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male usa
question 1: brown algae

Im really getting tired of this darn brown algae! In certain area's the algae is over 4 inches tall! My tank is well over cycled and the lights are on for about 10 hours a day. The algae is even starting to cover my coral! (gurr!) I need to get rid of most of it but not all of it because it add a lot of movement to the tank. How can i do this?

question 2: desiese?

My two clowns, a cinamon(i think) and a tomatoe have white skin like flabs comming off of them. The tomato has it dorsal fin while the cinamon clown has it on its face.
The 3-d dots resmble skin and are about the size of a small b-b (ball bearing) if not smaller. I had first thought they were parasite but i later found out they wernt when i gave them f.w. baths. I can probably suppy pics if needed. But i need to know what these thing are and what i can do to treat them.

question 3: Coral

My green star polyps arent lookg so good. The green tips dont come out of the tubes anymore. I think it may be because my algae is covering but it maybe something else. Any thing i can do to help it?

Thanks in advance!
(ps: sorry about all the questions but i didnt want to waste forum space!)

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Post InfoPosted 29-Mar-2006 02:05Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
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Registered: 09-Jul-2003
female usa
My reply to algae problems is always the same...there's basically three things you can do.
(1) Watch what you're feeding! Excess nutrients in the water is really a major cause of algae problems.
(2) Check your tap water, and switch to RO or RO/DI. You can either buy your own unit, or most pet stores sell it by the gallon. It often helps clear up algae problems.
(3) Shorten your photoperiod.

Depending on tank size, you can buy some algae eating fish or inverts to try and keep some of the growth down. Get an algae magnent for the front glass, and keep on top of your water changes and maint. Make sure you have adequate circulation and that your tank isn't overstocked.

I would definetely get pictures up. I'm not too good with diseases so I cant suggest what it may be...I can usually only recognize ick and velvet. I'm terrible. I can tell you that the two types of clowns wont mix long term (depending on tank size) and that you should prolly get a hospital/quarantine tank up right away. Most medications have copper, which is toxic for reef tanks, and I see that you have corals, so yeah, that could be an issue.

If the GSP are being taken over by algae, there's not much you can do for them except treat the algae problem. They're a pretty hardy coral IME so they may be able to pull through if you can get the algae under control. I dont think there's much else you can do for them.

HTH a bit...

-Formerly known as the Ferretfish
Post InfoPosted 29-Mar-2006 03:56Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 252
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male usa
ok ill try to get pics up with in the next two days. I just recently purchased an xbox 360 and ive been hooked on it. But i should be able to peel myself off the recliner for a couple mins to take the pics.

im going to post my pics at:

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Post InfoPosted 31-Mar-2006 04:37Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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