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L# Marine Aquaria
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  L# Carpenter Wrasse
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SubscribeCarpenter Wrasse
Fish Addict
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Registered: 29-Jan-2003
female canada
hello! i bought a carpenter wrasse today to go with my firefish, snails, and hermit crabs in my 10G. i read on this site that they were good for nano tanks. i don't plan to add any more fish to this tank.

i was just wondering if anyone has had experience with these guys and if so, whether they have any tips or anything. he's really neat and i want him to do well!

thanks in advance!
Post InfoPosted 09-May-2006 06:10Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 14-Jan-2002
male usa us-ohio
I feel your tank is over stocked. I would not recomend keeping more than one or maybe two 1-2 inch fish in a 10 gallon. From reading your other post, it already appears your tank has a full load. Be sure to watch your water parameters very closely and do water changes appropriate for them.


There is always a bigger fish...
Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 14:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 29-Jan-2003
female canada
thanks. i was well aware of the challenges of starting a nano tank before i did. i've done lots of research and feel that with my success keeping difficult freshwater fish that i am up to the challenge.

thanks for the concern, though.
Post InfoPosted 11-May-2006 00:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 14-Jan-2002
male usa us-ohio
Well, I did not want to bust your bubble with telling you that I don't agree with this fish as a good one for a nano tank, unless the tank is about 30 gals. The thing is, they get up to 3 inches long, and they are very active swimmers that will need the room. Also, though they can be kept singularly, I always suggest keeping more than one of any of the flasher wrasses out there. They will be more active, and color up more if there is a pair or more. These fish just don't fair as well singularly.

As for the care;
Feed them smaller foods that can fit into their mouths. Like brine or miasis shrimp. As they are planktonic feeders and rarely will take other foods they cannot swallow whole. Sometimes they will take black or blood worms, but usually not. They are peaceful and personality wise, should do fine with the other fish and critters you currently have. Though I still disagree with keeping them in a tank of that size.


There is always a bigger fish...
Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 02:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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