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  L# Fish for 100Gal US tank?
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SubscribeFish for 100Gal US tank?
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Registered: 09-Nov-2003
male australia
my 100 gal tank is in the process of cycling, and I have been trying to decide on the fish I want for months now, there are just so many great fish out there, so I would like some sugestsion of fish that go well together or what you guys/girls might have in a similar size tank.

At the moment I will start as a FOWLR setup later on I want to get some soft corals.

By the way this is my 1st sw tank, what frist got me interested in SW was a snowflake eel I saw at a LFS as well as some Dwarf Lionfish both these fish are awesome but I would like to go for a comunity tank and I dont think either of those 2 would go well in that type of setup and I dont even know if my tank is big enough for an eel.

So far I have found it very difficult to decide on fish,
so I will list the fish I like please feel free to tell me what you think would or would not go well with these fish or if any of them will not do well together.

I will try and list the scientific names if i know them



Royal Dottyback


Flame Angelfish (Holacanthus loriculus)

Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)

I would also like a pair of clowns I am not sure what type, I would like to have them with an anemone but they seem very hard to keep, maybe latter on down the track.

I have seen other fish I like but dont know or cant remember the names of.

I have also seen some interesting shrimp and star fish but I know very little about these creatures.

so please let me know what you think about the above fish and please make all the sugeustions you like.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Of your list, I've got the purple firefish and the royal gramma.. Both are WONDERFUL additions to a tank and I find that their quirky behaviors are incredibly fun to watch.. You can't go wrong with either of those two choices, IMHO.. My only concern would be that since both of those two enjoy being in rock roles, as do the snowflake eels, that there may be some trouble with aggression and/or the edibility factor.. Same goes with the dwarf lions.. Big mouths, little body.. Can make for difficulty finding tank mates..

I'm also fond of [link=bangaii cardinalfish]" style="COLOR: #ffe303[/link], [link=green chromis]" style="COLOR: #ffe303[/link] (if you like schoolers and you get ones that are large enough) and the [link=coral beauty dwarf angel]" style="COLOR: #ffe303[/link]..

Good Luck deciding..
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 09-Nov-2003
male australia
I like all those fish you mentioned too, the best part green chromis are only $10 AUS each on the other hand the coral beauty dwarf angel At the LFS is $220 AUS, But thats ok for fish like that I will just have to work some over time.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
You can\'t rollerskate in a buffalo herd
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usa us-texas
I would also like a pair of clowns I am not sure what type, I would like to have them with an anemone but they seem very hard to keep, maybe latter on down the track.

Ocellaris clowns are my favorite when it comes to coloration, followed by Maroon clowns.. However, Maroons have the tendency to be grouchy (mine attacks my mag scrub when I'm cleaning the glass) and are one of the largest of the clownfish species.. So depending on what your final stock list is, they may or may not end up being a pain in the backside..

Also, (I'm sorry if I'm just telling something that you already know, and if you do know and just want both at the same time disregard the following text ) Clownfish don't require an anemone host in order to be happy in an aquarium, so if you like them you don't have to wait for that reason.. My Maroon clown has been living with my brain coral lately, and before that she enjoyed swimming around in my xenias but not always.. She's been seen snuggled down in the rockwork and resting near the powerheads as well, so she's not too particular about where she rests her head at night..

Last edited by Oleta at 13-Jan-2005 23:15
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 24-Oct-2003
male australia
a coral beauty $220 AUS i would stop going there, in most LFS's they range from $20-$35 dollars australian.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 09-Nov-2003
male australia
yeah I checked again it was an old price for something else still written on the tank, the Coral beauty was $40 which is a bit better
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Week End
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The royal gramma will cost you more that u think, maybe about $150 AUD "IF U CAN FIND ONE". Royal gramma and royal dotty back aren't that really good together, the dottyback will kill the gramma, but since u got 100gal tank and hopefully a lot of rocks as hiding places, it is possible to house them both....but if the weak guy always hiding..there isn't much point of having it right? And same deal with the firefishes, the dottyback will try to kill it. The firefises themselves might nip at each other's fin as well.

Is the "Flame Angel" you like a dwarf angel? perhaps "Centropyge loricula"? If it is, then it is an excellent choice, beautiful fish.

A good fish that I suggest is the Bi-colour blenny, and also Long nose Hawk (if u are not keeping shrimps, Banded Coral shimps are ok though)

Last edited by Week End at 14-Jan-2005 09:10
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 09-Nov-2003
male australia
Centropyge loricula is the Flame angel I was looking at I have no idea what they cost but I would love to have one.

Well out of the royal gramma, dotty back and firefish the fire fish is my fav so I will more than likly go for it.

I checked out the long nose hawk looks cool too but I might want to keep some shrimp.

The more fish I see the more I like its to damn hard to choose

Last edited by connah at 14-Jan-2005 22:38
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Week End
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-May-2004
male australia
a flame angel will cost you about $120 AUD, they are not that easy to find here but is not too hard...

if you do like the colours of dottybacks (who doesn't? they are the best coloured fish)..2 very good species are Pseudochromis fridmani - orchid dottyback and Pseudochromis flavivertex - sunrise dottyback, they are one of the least aggressive dotty's and much less likely to attack other fishes. I have both in the same tank and they are ok with each other, the trick is to introduce them together or within a short period. However they will demand a higher price and harder to find. Do not get confused the orchid with the so called "purple" or "strawbarry" dottyback which is also in bright purple colour, the "purple" is 100 times more aggressive and troublesome. While the orchid is the least aggressive and be brave enough to wonder around the tank all the times
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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