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  L# I Need A Good Fish For My Tank. Sugestions Anyone?
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SubscribeI Need A Good Fish For My Tank. Sugestions Anyone?
Posts: 252
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male usa
I need a good center peice fish for my 55 gal. It should be reef friendly, not grow to big (no bigger the 8 inches) , should look good, not be too aggresive, wont nibble corals, anemones, and cleaner shrimp.
my current fish and tank setup is:
5 blue/green chromis
1 black percula clown
1 tomato clown
1 cleaner shrimp (soon to be two)
1 royal grama
1 sebae anemone
1 bubble tip anemone
50 or so pounds of cured live rock (cann add more)
55 pounds of crushed coral

water parameters:
amonium (spelling) o
pH: 8.4
alkalinity: around 80
water hardness: 425
nitRIte: o
nitRAte: 0
temp: useally around 78 (very stable)
salinity: 1.18 ppm (the hydrometer might be broken)

comments: The tank stays relativly clean and tank lights are on timers so no spook. and the faster i get a reply the better Thanks and if you need any more info ask!

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Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 03:50Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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male australia
i wouldnt add to different types of clownfish unless you have a really big tank, i would add that list, and have 2 perc's instead of 1 and no tomato clown.
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 04:43Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male usa
nah there fine im not to worried about that they are fine and if any trouble comes up ill take one out. but what im worried about now is a suggestion for a center peice fish. thanks

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Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 04:45Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-ohio
It would be hard to determine what your lfs carries. It would be better if you see what is available to you, then let us know some of your ideas and let us help you there.

Also, with the fish you have there, you are very close to being fully stocked when they all reach full size. If you add anything, I would say not more than one more fish.


There is always a bigger fish...
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 09:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
I think that tank is pretty stocked. I dont think I'd add anything else unless you have a sump or something and your tank is actually bigger than just 55 gallons.

As mentioned before, the clowns will get territorial as they grow up; bring back one and get a mate for the other to avoid aggression. Mixing different kinds of clownfish in small tanks is never a good idea.


-Formerly known as the Ferretfish
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 17:33Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male usa
ok thanks i got a fat head anthias. He/she is around 2 inches long. it is in quarentine right now. Any objections to the buying of this fish and any ifo you can provide on it will be appreciated.


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Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 00:50Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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