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  L# Small SW tank options?
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SubscribeSmall SW tank options?
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Hi all,
In September, I plan on Setting up a 10g tank, preferably SW. I was wondering, what are my options in a tank this size?
I would like something with live rock (wouldnt take much for a small tank), and would like some other reef decor -mushrooms, fans, clams, etc. Can you guys make some suggestions, I have lots of time to research and plan, and would like to do it right.
I also have interest in some particular fish, I will list them, and if you guys could tell me if any of them would work, that would be great, and if not, could you recommend some fish/inverts that would work in a tank this size?
Heres what I like:
Royal Gramma
Clownfish - I really like Tomato Clowns, but all clowns are cool. I can get tank raised of almost any variety clown.
Firefish / Firefish Purple
Longspine Cardinalfish
Wheeler's Watchman Goby
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
African Flameback Angelfish
Kaudern's Cardinalfish
Green or Spotted Mandarin
Blue Damselfish
Inverts I like:
Bristle Star (brittle star?)
Peppermint Shrimp
Banded Coral Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp
Bumblebee Shrimp
Marble Sea Star
Bumblebee Snail
Paper Bubble Snail
Super Tongan Nassarius Snail
An Urchin of some kind
Lettuce Sea Slug Nudibranch
Australian Sea Apple

Any Suggestions on which of these could possibly be put together in a group would be nice! Thanks

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Report 
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depending on what kind of lighting you go for you could probably do mushrooms, and maybe polyps. Some live rock to cover up the back of the tank. But for live stock your probably really limited. Depending on your filtration and water movement you could probably go 1 or maybe a pair of perculas. Or maybe some type of small goby and 1 percula. Tomato clowns get around 5" or so. The only other clown that might be ok is the skunk clown (not 100% positive tho). on look in the marine fish section and they have a nano livestock section. That might give you a couple of ideas.
I think thats the direct link.

Last edited by jkalfsbeck at 22-Apr-2005 13:51
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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Registered: 09-Jul-2003
female usa

I really would not go with a ten gallon set up.

First off, bigger tanks are always easier to take care of. Initially more pricey, yes, but initially more stable, yes as well. And that my friend, is key!

Plus, I really wouldn't keep ANY type of anenomefish in anything smaller than a 20 gallon.

If you maybe do something more along the lines of a 29, your options will be greatly widened.

I suggest reading Scott W. Michaels "A PocketExpert Guide to Marine Fishes" to help you choose your fish.

Good Luck.

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-Formerly known as the Ferretfish
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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