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Mega Fish
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Registered: 16-Aug-2003
male canada
This might be a little long but oh well..
I currently have a 55 gallon setup freshwater (already cycled, containing some fish that came with it). It has white pool filter sand (silicate-based I think) and lots of moon rock (large white porous stones (around 12" diamater, I have 6 of them)). It has a Fluval 304 and an AC500. The lighting i beleive is two 20" T8 tubes, but I'm not sure.
I'm wanting to make my first saltwater (FOWLR, then possibly slowly work my way to reef) tank out of this tank.
I think I'll need a protein skimmer, live rock, refractometer, salt, possibly better lighting.
Is that everything?
Could I leave the moonrock in there (as base rock, but I may have to break it in halves or soemthing) and then let it becoem live?
Stocking? (I was thinking lots of small reef safe fish...)
I have many more questions but this'll be good for now I think.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 1075
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Registered: 16-Aug-2003
male canada
I've looked into the lighting and I decided on getting a 48" 4x65w Retrofit, which will get me 4.72 wpg. Is this enough?
And I can't decide on skimmer... any suggestions?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
There's a beginners article stickied to the top of the General Marine forum that discusses all the things you'll need to get your tank started up.

I'd recommend a DSB from aragonite based sand (silicate based is what you dont want...I'm pretty sure it wont buffer your pH) and about one pound of LR per gallon. You can cycle this way. I'd ditch the rock you already have, but thats just me.

What kind of corals are you looking to keep? Depending on if you're interested in softies, LPS or SPS I'd recommended different lights/combinations. If you're interested in SPS, go with halides.


EDIT: Oh for skimmers, I like the AquaC EV series, and the AquaMedic turboflotor series too.

You're going to want to get a hydrometer for weekly use, and a refractometer for calibrating and checking accuracey.

For salt I'd recommend Tropic Marin Pro or AquaMedic.

You're going to need test kits too, I dont know which freshwater ones you have already, but alk and calcium are two you probably dont have. I'd recommend Salifert.

Last edited by Ferretfish at 18-Jul-2005 15:19

-Formerly known as the Ferretfish
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 1075
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Registered: 16-Aug-2003
male canada
Thanks for replying. Trust me I read the article and much more also...
I know the silica wont bufer my pH, but I was concerned because apparently it is known to cause diatom algae blooms (hasn't been proved though). But I was thinking of adding another 2" of aragonite to the 2" silica...
Is there any reason to ditch the moonrock? I'm only keeping it because I'm very patient and don't mind waiting for it to become live, and I'm on a limited budget. I'm not sure which corals, but that fixture is the most lgiht I can afford. What kind of corals can I keep with that? I was thinking It would limit me to softies (zoas, mushrooms), with the possibility of some LPS. For the skimmer, I think I'm gonna stick with the AquaC Remora, is this a quality skimmer as well? At first I was gonna go with a Prizm, but was told they aren't very good.

For salt I'd recommend Tropic Marin Pro or AquaMedic.

Any reasons why? I was planning on going with instant ocean, but not sure which is best.
For tests, I have GH, KH (isn't this the same as alkalinity?), trate, trite, ammonia, pH and I'm going to get copper, phosphate and calcium... (not Red Sea tests, I heard they aren't very accurate.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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