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L# Marine Aquaria
 L# General Marine
  L# stocking help needed
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Subscribestocking help needed
Mega Fish
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Registered: 17-Mar-2003
female usa
My stepson is moving and can't take his marine tank, so he's giving the fish to me. He's had them in a 55, but I'm setting up a 90-gallon, which should give me lots of room to expand.

The question is: What fish will be compatible with the following four that I'm inheriting: a Picasso trigger, a percula clownfish, a yellow tang and a domino damsel.

I'm not planning to add any fish other than those four for a number of months, but I'm in the process of setting up the tank now, and want to aquascape it in a way that will accomdate any eventual additions.

FYI, the four fish I'm inheriting have been together for at least five years, and are apparently a fairly tight-knit bunch. My stepson said he once tried to add a second clownfish, but all four fish in his tank ganged up on it and attacked it so unmercifully that he eventually had to remove it. So I don't think I'll get a second clown!

Also, if it matters: the tank has a wet-dry filter and skimmer, and I also plan to add many, many pounds of live rock (although I may have to do it little by little because the darn stuff is so expensive).

All suggestions appreciated!

Last edited by lmuha at 02-Jul-2005 10:36

Last edited by lmuha at 02-Jul-2005 10:37
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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