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  L# water pumps questions
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Subscribewater pumps questions
Small Fry
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Registered: 15-Mar-2005
Yesterday i bought a RIo 2500 water pump , output should be around 450 gph at 4 ft but the pump is pumping more water out then comes in so the sump gets empty quick . I guees i might now where the problem comes from . When i got my wetdry filter it was missing the syphon U tube and i used a U tube from and hang on filter . The tube is about 1/2 inch diameter . If i replace it with a large tube would fix my problem and the incoming water will keep up with the pump;s output ?

Last edited by camy10 at 17-Mar-2005 08:05

Last edited by camy10 at 17-Mar-2005 08:06
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 30-Jul-2003
male usa
You need to contact the W/D filter company for a parts list to see what the correct U-tube ID size is.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 63
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Registered: 24-Aug-2004
male usa
The max flow through a .5" tube is 150 gph. You would need to have at least a .88" tube to achieve 450 and that is without any restrictions such as the bend of the tube. To avoid pump drying your W/D you need to have your overflow gph greater than your return pump gph. So I would think that you would need at least 1.0" for a single tube or two .75" tubes. On the same line, it wont matter what your syphon tube size is, if your overflow outlet size also restricts the gph. For a calculator on determining what drain size is required see this site:


Last edited by kamikaze76 at 18-Mar-2005 22:14
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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