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Subscribe125 Gal. Stocking Suggestions
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Registered: 29-Oct-2006
male usa
Finally picked up a big tank 3 months ago. I have started stocking it with some fish from my other tanks and some that I always wanted. This is what I currently have in it.

3x Clown loaches
9x Zebra danio
1x Chinese algae eater
1x Albino (gold) chinese algae eater

Filtration consists of a Rena xp-3 cannister filter and a aquaclear 70 power filter.

I was hoping for some suggestions on stocking the tank. These are my ideas.

Odessa barbs, Tiger barbs, Torpedo barbs (if I could find them). As you can see I am looking for a suggestion on an Asian, schooling and colorful fish. What do you all think?

"Talk is cheap. Action can be almost as affordable"
Post InfoPosted 05-Apr-2007 07:38Profile PM Edit Report 
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out of those three i would say the tiger barbs.just becuase i like the way they look

*click *flash *click "whered he go???"
Post InfoPosted 05-Apr-2007 08:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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EditedEdited by Alex
how about
25 Zebras
4 algae eaters
5 Torpedo barbs
1 snakeskin gourami (to make the schools tight)

''All the clown fish and yellow tangs in the world cant save you now!''
Post InfoPosted 05-Apr-2007 11:46Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Again thank you for the quick reply. I like the tigers too Soda but I was thinking that I already have some similar colored fish with the clowns. I am open to other suggestions other than what my first thoughts were too.

Alex, I like where you are going with your ideas. I already was thinking of upping the zebras to 12. I have been searching my local shops for torpedos without any luck. I think I need another idea other than them. In response to the 4 algae eaters, I do not think 4 would get along. I have never tried it but I took a chance getting the albino one and they are getting along fine. I do not want to take a chance on having a sucker mouth war in my tank.

I am moving more toward the Odessa barbs. They have alot of color.

"Talk is cheap. Action can be almost as affordable"
Post InfoPosted 05-Apr-2007 18:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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have you asked your lfs to see if they can get them shipped in for you?

''All the clown fish and yellow tangs in the world cant save you now!''
Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2007 01:05Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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How about you pick out the fish you like and then ask what quantity would be the best. I only say this because I can't see you tank from my house and why would you want what I like. Just a thought.

"Don't Panic"

"So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish" Douglas Adams
Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2007 01:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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Tiger barbs and clown loaches are great together though, they'll school with each other.

I worry about those CAE though, mine wasn't very large before he started sucking the slime off of my other fish. Once they do that the fish they've gone after are wide open for attack.

I'd make sure you've got a few good big pieces of driftwood and some java fern in the tank .


Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2007 03:52Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
For Dj here are the fish I like.
I want one or two schools of these type of fish.
Rosy barb
Tiger barb
Cherry barb
Giant danio

Babel, thank you. I spent a ton of time with decor in this tank. I have 3 caves two large pieces of real DW. Only plastic plants right now but no less than 20 plants. The algae eaters have not shown any aggression in this tank. I think the occupants are too fast for them. I am prepared to move them if they become a problem. Especially if they touch my clowns. I love those guys. As to why I picked them up in the first place. Well I have had them before with no problems unless they are kept with Angels. They will suck on angels. I wanted to try them out with faster occupants and a large tank. They are good algae eating fish IME and they are Asian.

"Talk is cheap. Action can be almost as affordable"
Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2007 18:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Sounds like a great setup any chance of pics ?

Rosy barbs are great! they were my first fish and I just loved how active they were. Even in a 30 long they wanted more room, wish I could've had them in a 125. I think maybe rosies and tigers would work togeter, that of course depends on the nipping of the tigers.

From what I've heard of cherry's they tend to be among some of the slower barbs. Better suited to smaller heavily planted, somewhat calm tanks. But that could just be a fishtale....

okay I'll go have more coffee till I'm thinking straigher .


Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2007 22:44Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
okay I'll go have more coffee till I'm thinking straigher

Lol. You and me both. TGIF

Pics? I have been debating figuring out how to do that. Maybe I will give it a shot. I do like those rosies and tigers too. How many do you think I should get if I were to go that route. I was thinking 8 tigers and 8 rosy barbs.

Another question: What do think about bala sharks in a 125 gallon tank? The tank is 6 feet long. This is something I have been debating with myself on since I acquired the 125. There is alot of different views on minimum and maximum tank sizes on the internet for these cool fish.

"Talk is cheap. Action can be almost as affordable"
Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2007 00:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Ahh bala sharks, they are beautiful aren't they. I know I'd want to add them too, but they are really active swimmers....

Have you put in any thought as to adding some powerheads to the tank? I'm not sure how clowns do with them, although the ammount of water movement in our living room tank with the clowns seems to be quite a bit. Possibly by adding powerheads on timers would allow them to get plenty of swimming space and use up enough of their energy that they wouldn't be bored. If you do keep up on water changes, at least once a week they should do okay. But I'd pick one school of smaller barbs if you go with a small school of balas.

Without the balas I think you'd be able to go up to 10X for each. Add some java fern to the driftwood (it's an easy enough plant and fits the theme ) and you might be able to go larger.

With balas, I'd keep it to either tigers or rosies, and 8X. Once the tanks settled down you may find that you can add more. I generally try to stock on the conservative side then when everythings going just fine increase the stock a bit.


Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2007 00:51Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 29-Oct-2006
male usa
EditedEdited by kunzman96
I am thinking about 3 balas and 8 rosy barbs. I have the jet nozzle on the output end of my xp-3. It creates enough current to blow bubbles 2 feet but I was thinking about picking up another powerhead like the Eheim Aquaball. I found it for a good price.

I stock conservatively too. I like the peace of mind and It leaves me room for that fish I just have to buy. As far as water changes go, every Sat. or Sun.

First off though I will start adding the rosy barbs over the next month. I can think on and decide whether the balas are going to work during that time.

Thanks again for your help Babel, Dj, and Alex, and Soda!

"Talk is cheap. Action can be almost as affordable"
Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2007 08:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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If you definitely want to keep the zebra danios I'd go with a big group if you want lots of activity

A small group of cherry barbs-3 pair?-would add some nice red color to your tank.

Other than barbs have you considered rasboras?

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2007 08:41Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
EditedEdited by kunzman96
I like alot of the rasboras but the problem is availability in my area. Harlequins are readily available but nothing else. I didn't even think about harlies though, maybe I should add 12 of them instead of the rosy barbs. Thank you Theresa! In fact that is sounding like a better idea as I would be able to keep a larger school of them than the rosys and I like the coloring better. But do they get along with the balas?

"Talk is cheap. Action can be almost as affordable"
Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2007 05:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I purchased 12 harlequins. They are all very young so I will be able to watch them grow. I may soon have only 11 though. I think the others nipped the tail off one on the way home or the LFS snuck one by me. We will see how he does in quarantine. Thanks for the suggestions.

"Talk is cheap. Action can be almost as affordable"
Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2007 05:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Rasboras sound good, don't know why I didn't think of them too .

If you have some melafix laying around try dosing with that daily. For mild fin dammage I've found it works pretty well. Other than that make sure you keep the water really clean.


Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2007 02:52Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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The poor fellow did not make it through the night. I think there was more to it than a nipped off tail fin. I knew I should have bought 13. I usually buy one extra because most of the time I lose one for whatever reason. They are good looking little guys and girls though. I look forward to seeing them grown into pretty fish. Right now they are young and pale with little color. My clowns were like that. Once they were out of the LFS and in my 125 they started to look much better and now they are starting to get more orange color between the black stripes.

"Talk is cheap. Action can be almost as affordable"
Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2007 05:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Oct-2006
female usa
EditedEdited by Fishrockmysox
I would do Scissortail Rosaboras..I like them, they are active even when I had like 4 in my 10gal they were quite active.. I should've put them in a bigger tank but I wasn't thinking

10G- 6 Zebra Danios, 1 Upside Down Catfish
20G- 1 Goldfish
72G(maybe95)- Need Stock suggestions
Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2007 23:42Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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