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Subscribe36 Gallon Stocking
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Registered: 07-Jun-2005
I will be getting a 36 gallon bowfront aquarium next week and this is the stocking plan that I have come up with. I will moderately plant the tank with java fern and anubias. Suggestions are greatly appreciated

-1 angelfish
-6-8 dwarf neon rainbowfish
-10 lemon tetras OR harlequin rasboras OR flame tetras (which ones are the tighest and most active schoolers?)
-4 peppered cories
-3 ottos

Is this overstocked? Thanks!
Post InfoPosted 15-Jul-2006 08:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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Registered: 25-Mar-2005
female usa
EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
It sounds good to me.

My harlies are pretty tight schoolers. They are pretty active. My flame tetras are very active, but not really tight schoolers. They are very greedy eaters and will sometimes eat until their stomachs bloat.

I have never kept lemons but I've heard they are pretty active and entertaining tetras. I'm not sure about their schooling though.

Most fish will school better when there is a bigger fish in the tank (like an angel). My flames are in with the angels and they stay together but don't school tightly.

I know Rummynose tetras are pretty sensitive, but if you can find a good stock, they are awesome schoolers. I only have 4 in my 55g, but they are always swimming together. I can't wait to get more!

The schoolers you picked are on the small side, but I'd maybe bump the number down to 8 and then get 6 of the rainbows. I don't think its overstocked, but I'm afraid of it being a little crowded. The dwarf neon rainbows aren't too long (about 2in), but they are kinda big bodied. Start out with 6 of them and 8 of the tetras or rasboras and see how it looks. If it doesn't look too crowded, then get 2 more of each.

I'd also bump the cories up to atleast 6. They'd be much happier that way.

Post InfoPosted 15-Jul-2006 18:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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