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SubscribeAfrican-American Cichlids.
Fish Addict
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Registered: 01-Sep-2004
male cyprus
EditedEdited by Robby1619
Me and my son has now been searching some sites for African-American Cichlids and there are so many to choose We really like these 2:Yellow Acara and the Flag cichlid(Festivum)
My son wants a 150-200L (River or lake)tank with some cichlids.
What is the best setup..gravel,stones etc.
I have never kept them so i have no idea about cichlids, they all look really nice though.
Those somebody here have any idea what we could have in that tank?
Appreciate any answers.


I know human beings and fish can co-exist peacefully.
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2006 13:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guy
Mega Fish
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Registered: 28-Jan-2004
male canada
Well I would go with 2 angelfish, 4 blue rams, 2 festviums, 10 gaint danios, or 10 tiger barbs, and 6-8 cories.
Post InfoPosted 30-Jun-2006 18:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
I'd stay away from tiger barbs; too much potential for fin-nipping.

I personally wouldn't put giant danios in a tank that size. They're good-sized fish but more importantly they're very active and require a lot of swimming space. They were too active for my taste, even in a 75g, and I ended up giving them to a lfs.

I've kept festivums in the past, unfortunately I didn't have much luck. IME they seemed peaceful, almost shy, and stayed near the top of the tank.

I've not kept yellow acaras but going by what I've read they're peaceful as well.

I'd personally choose one or the other to have as a centerpiece, add a peaceful group of schoolers, and a group of cories for the bottom.

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 30-Jun-2006 19:47Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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