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SubscribeCAE with Rainbo sharks?
Fish Addict
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male usa
basicly, i'm still in the process of relocating fish to the best possible home in my tanks. but right now my CAE's (1 is 1inch, other is almost 3inches) are in my 55g, but i'm putting in much larger fish that could swallow them whole. and was wondering if they would work in my 150g tank with the rainbow sharks (x3) that are in there. they are all about 4 inches right now.

if now, i hate to get rid of them, but i'll have to find them a new home.

Fish tanks are an expensive addiction
Post InfoPosted 20-Aug-2006 19:28Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
Apolay Wayyioy
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female usa us-california

Just about any fish that can eat the CAEs will eat the CAEs. It would be better to put them in the 150 gallon. They might fight with the sharks at first, but the tank is big enough so that each fish should be able to establish a territory.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Aug-2006 04:47Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
I have never owned a tank large enough to actually put it into practice but my understanding has always been that rainbow sharks can be put in groups without too much incident as long as they are given enough space and the proper layout. That being said, since rainbows and CAE's normally dislike each other for the same reasons that other rainbows dislike each other and if your rainbows aren't killing each other then two small CAE's aren't going to make to big of a difference. Then again this is all conjecture on my part.
Post InfoPosted 22-Aug-2006 04:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 10-Apr-2005
male usa
well the larger fish i'm puttin the 55g are possibly either a jack dempsey, or an oscar, but i'm really leaning toward some electric blues.

all i know is i need something that will keep the algae down and i dont want to end up with a 15inch pleco.. not till i can get my hands on a tank over 250.

but what i may do for a day to see how they do, is take some plexiglas with tiny holes in it and section off about a foot of the tank and put the cae's in and see how the sharks react to seeing them. and if they dont bother them, i'll add 2 or 3 more the same size to help.

Fish tanks are an expensive addiction
Post InfoPosted 22-Aug-2006 18:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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