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SubscribeI got another 10 gallon.
reel big mark
Posts: 131
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Registered: 29-Jun-2005
male usa
Well, while at a yard sale today, I spotted another tank. I found a 10 gallon, with powerfilter, gravel, aquasafe, fizz-factory tabs, dechlorinator/plant fertilizer, a incandescent hood. And a couple other goodies.
Not sure what to put in it, so im asking for ideas.
The hood can take two incandescent bulbs, so I might replace those with 20 watt screw in PC bulbs, giving me around 4 wpg, I would do DIY c02 and try a pretty heavy plant setup.

Any other ideas would be nice.

its me sk8freak20...i need to get premie so i can change my name back
Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 23:17Profile Homepage AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
female usa
Rasboras would look really good with a lot of plants ^_^

Try doing this:

6-8x Rasboras or Neons
3x Ottos

Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 23:57Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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Registered: 25-Mar-2005
female usa
A pair of Apistos. That's what I plan on for my 10g. They are beautiful fish.

Post InfoPosted 11-Jun-2006 00:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
Rasboras are a good idea.

Cherry barbs look very nice in a planted tank. They don't have to be kept in schools so you could have a pair or two in a 10g.

Dwarf gourami, a few sparking gouramis, a male betta, or a few female bettas.

Definitely apistos

Male guppies or male Endler's.

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 11-Jun-2006 14:42Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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