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SubscribeIdeas for 20 gallon long...
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
EditedEdited by Two Tanks
Last Sunday afternoon, I took the dog for her usual after church ride in the Jeep, and we went out to the country fish store - just across the county line (a nice store where I get most of my fish).
Out front on the porch, they had a 20L for sale - a new tank that had been discontinued, for $12.00. Since I had an old ten (that had three of my bettas) with a seal going bad, I bought the twenty gallon long (think it was a good deal?).
Now I need some ideas on how to set it up (now on the bottom shelf of my stand - the company who makes the stand said it was OK to have the twenty on the same stand as the 29 - I asked first)in place of the old ten. I still need to find it a hood, however.
I was wondering if I could stock it with some of my present fish and/or perhaps something new.
This is what I have currently:
29 gallon;
seven assorted danios
four platies
six cories
one older surviving head and tail light tetra
Other ten gallon (this one is about a year old);
One powder blue gourami
three cherry barbs
two ottos
two baby platies (will give away soon)
five bettas; in five, two gallon bowls
I still need to set the new tank up and get it cycled, but some ideas on how to set it up, and for what fish, (plants, etc.) will be helpful.
Post InfoPosted 15-Jul-2006 18:54Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
You could put one of your bettas in there and then get a school of something. If you want to add more head and tailights, you could put them in the 20L. And you would still have room for some ottos or some small cories.

I'd do:
1 betta
8 head and tailights
3 ottos or 5 small cories

Or if you want to divide it and put some of your bettas in this tank I think you could give enough room for atleast 3 bettas.

What would you like to do with it?

Post InfoPosted 15-Jul-2006 22:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
I have several ideas that "might" work. (1)I have considered getting dividers and making the new 20 into a betta tank, but I had an mild outbreak of Ick when I had the three of them in the old ten gallon (with plastic canvas dividers). If I could find a nice peice of plexaglass, cut in the right size for the dividers, I don't think I would have that problem. The bettas are now over their ick. Each sectioned off area, would probably need its own filter, however - not such a great idea there.
(2)My next idea, would be to put the gourami, cherry barbs and ottos in the 20, and let my crowntail have the ten and give him some peaceful friends. Maybe the head and tail light and his new friends could go in the new 20 as well.
(3) Since the danios are an aggravation to the other fish in the 29 gallon, I could put them in the 20, put the gourami in the 29 (he should get along fine with the platies and cories - just not compatable with these danios). The cherry barbs should be OK with the danios in the 20, and I could add a few more head and tail lights to the 29, since they should be compatable with the gourami and the platies. The crowntail would still end up with the ten. Since it (the ten) is already set up and cycled, I might as well use it.
I think adding more head and tail lights to the 29, with the present stock would be too much. I would like to have some harleys (had some many years ago and liked them), but I don't know where I could fit them in.
Idea No 4: Add the danios and the platies to the new 20, put the gourami and the cherry barbs in the 29, and add a few more head and tail lights to the 29.
The 29 is actually overstocked with what I have, so moving something to the 20, might be the best idea. The ottos could stay in the ten with the betta. So far, idea No 4, is looking like it might be the best one, and skip getting any harlies. I guess the bettas are OK in their individual bowls, but one luck guy would, I am sure, love to have the ten for his own. It looks like that is the best I am going to come up with, unless someone else has a better idea.
Post InfoPosted 16-Jul-2006 02:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
I appreciate your advice. Monday, I got a hood for the tank and got it set up yesterday morning. I used gravel from the ten as well as the water, to get a jump start on cycling it.
I had really wanted to set the tank up for my bettas, but after doing some research found this website:
which did not suggest it.
I will move my danios when it is OK, then the platys. I hope it will not be too stressful for them. The tank looks pretty good, dark blue background with verigated gravel with some dark blue - am going with live plants. It is the same length and width as the 29, just not as tall.
I am considering using the ten for a betta and the head and tail lights (but can only have 4 in the ten) - like that idea, so thank you for suggesting it. Sometimes, you find a really good deal on a tank, but it takes a while to decide on what you want to add to it/how to set it up, etc.
Now, I am wondering if the seal on the old ten out in the garage can be repaired - might be able to use it for another betta, if I can find a place for it.
Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2006 05:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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Registered: 25-Mar-2005
female usa
I think your idea 4 would work. Is that what you are going for?

If you did that and put the platies and danios in the 20 (like you are planning), put the head and tailight (and friends) in the 29g where you could have more. And also have the cherries and gourami in the 29g. Then you could put the crowntail in the 10g and get some harlies (about 6) to go with him and have the ottos also in the 10g. I have a VT, 6 harlies, and an otto in my 10g and it works out great.

So you'll have:

20 long
7 danios
4 platies

6 head and tailights
6 cories
3 cherries

male CT
6 harlies

You could put the ottos in any of the 3 tanks. I would put them in a planted tank though. They seem to do better IME in a planted tank.

That may be what you were planning, but I'm just offering more fish options.

Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2006 20:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
Yes, I think that idea will work. I only need to add five more head and tail lights to the 29, with the fish I already have.
In the ten gallon, however, I was going to put the flat glass marble things I already have, for the bottom. I would not be able to have live plants, but fake ones would work. Could I still have harleys with that set up or do I really need gravel? What sort of filter would work that would not be too strong my crowntail and still be OK for the harleys? I have a heater for it, but moved the bio-wheel that I did have on the 10, to the 20 long - along with the gravel and the water. I will have to recycle the 10 now, but the 20 L is doing great:
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
PH 7
Nitrite 0
Thank you for your help!
Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 07:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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Registered: 25-Mar-2005
female usa
EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
The glass substrate will be fine. The harlies are mid-top swimmers. And fake plants should be fine. I'm sure you know to use soft ones for the betta. My harlies hide in the plants at night, but during the day they are always out and don't seem to care that the plants are there.

I have an Aquaclear mini 20 filter on my 10g. I can adjust the flow so that it doesn't make my betta mad.
I do have a problem when I clean out the filter though. The flow is really strong. I learned a great trick to fixing a flow problem from someone on another site. You take a 20oz water/soda bottle and cut out a piece in the middle. Here is the website with pictures. I recently rigged up one for my great.

I love the Aquaclears because they are so quiet. Also, you can reuse the sponges and never have to buy more.

Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 16:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
Posts: 449
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
Since I had, had to move everyone from the ten into the 29 so I could add the gravel and water from the ten into the new 20, I was worried about overcrowding. I was keeping the gourami in one of those little breeder things for live bearers so the danios would no harrass him.
This morning I did a partial water change and cleaning on the twenty nine and moved the danios to the 20, catching the little rockets among live plants and other fish proved challenging . Now the gourami is free to swim and is happily going after the black/blue female platty (think he does not like her). The cherries are hanging out in the decoration with the corys or exploring the plants.
The danios are busy checking out their new tank.
I cleaned up the ten gallon, removed the old background and replaced it with a peice of vinyl wall paper; blue with little peach flowers. I added the flat glass things, but they looked a little boring, so added some that were light blue and peach to match the wall paper. He likes to hang out in canning jars (strange fish), so now he has three to choose from. I tried adding some left over plastic mixing spoons for added interest, but discovered that plastic mixing spoons float . He is checking out his tank and his jars. I am a bit worried about the filter, however. It is one of those three dollar plastic things that sits in the corner (bought it when I got the hood for the 20L), that you fill with your own mix of carbon and filter fiber. It has no suction cups to anchor it, so hope he can't get stuck behind it, etc. It does not put out a lot of current. I am not sure if it would be a good set up for harley, so will wait on them - maybe later on.
Everyone seems happy, even the dog - who helped with the project (but is glad it is nearly over, so she can now get more of my attention)
Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 16:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
Posts: 449
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
Thanks for your reply. I think I must have been posting my last reply at the same time.
I have two small aquaclears running on my twenty nine and love them. With the coke bottle set up, it would probably work better that the corner filter - with less chance of my betta getting stuck in it. I am going to add some fake silk type plants since the tank still looks a little blank without them - will still consider the harlies since you said it would be ok with the glass flat things (will make it a lot easier to clean, too). Thank you for your help!
Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 17:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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