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SubscribeNew 25 Gallon and New 10 Gallon :&)
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
I am ready and willing to listen to everyone's ideas!!! I want live plants..... and probably a black substrate. I have 4 cories I will be putting in it for sure though. Thats All I am really picky about in my 25 Gallon... I am thinking about A saltwater set-up in my 10 gallon, Maybe a clownfish or two, Some live rock maybe also, but thats about it on that one. Please Tell me what you guys think! I need all the ideas I can get!!!

I would like to have more smaller fish instead of fewer big fish if that helps.

THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP I really wanna do this right the first time instead of screwing it up and gettign yelled at again! :%)
I can't wait to hear everyones ideas!!!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Hi there,
What kind of corys do you have? I love corys.
I think the first thing you should do is get
2 more of the same type of cory, they would be
much happier that way.
I dont know what kind of fish you like, but heres
a few suggestions.
If you like small schooling fish, here
are some I have found to be phenomenal schoolers:
Pristella Tetras
Rummynose Tetras
Glowlight Tetras
White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Threadfin Rainbowfish
Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish

You could put just 1 large group of schooling fish in if you wanted, or you could do 2 medium size groups.Thats only if you wanted small schoolers though.

If you like more along the lines of a few slightly larger centerpeice type fish, heres a few ideas:
Bolivian Rams (3-4 inches), mid-bottom swimmers. Great little South American Cichlids, these fish are highly dynamic, and if kept in groups maintain complex social structures and heirarchys. People say they breed in life long pairs, I havent found this. My 2 males squabble over 3 females, and mostly the larger male mates with the 3 females in a large pit hes dug and they work together to defend the nest. However, right now, 2 of the females have decided the other male is better, and now have a group of there own, currently digging a big nest right now. One of my favorite fish.

Gouramis- if you like top-mid water swimmers, Gouramis are often a good choice. I would highly recommend the Pearl Gourami, they are gorgeous, and very peaceful. You could keep a group of 2 females and 1 male, or 3 females and 1 male with your corys. These are a medium size gourami, at around 4 inches- 5 inches.

If you want to stick with small fish, Sparkling Gouramis are very small and very beautiful.

For algae eating in the 10g work tank, Might I suggest some shrimp. There are several kinds of Shrimp that eat algae, and would love to be in a tank with a group of Neons. You could do 4-5 amano shrimp for example, and a group of 6 neons.

As for saltwater options for a 10g tank, check out this site, they have some great descriptions of fish suitable for nano tanks, or you could go with just an Invert setup, which would also be very fun.
[link=]" style="COLOR: #FFC0FF[/link]

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
Thanks ALOT that REALLY helped give me some ideas, are there any other ideas? I would relal ylike to have somethign colorful in there I am a sucker for colors and active fish (maybe its my ADD acting up I don't know) but those are definitely some awesome fish to choose from. Also I need some ideas on plants as well. If anyone has any ideas on that I would love that too. I know I am going to want soem broder leaved plants as well as others I want variety and maybe a few rocks... however I have really had my eye set on this big tank decoration its ancient ruins, its very cool that might go well with some rock.... who knows pleae keep the ideas coming!!!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Hi there again,
what are your favorite colors?
That would help in choosing a fish!
Colors that you like, size- do you want
lots of little bitty colorful fish?
Is it goin to be a planted tank?

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
It is definitely goign to be a planted tank. I am think about maybe 6 neons, to start with, they are pretty colorful, and the 6 cories, I don't know what else woudl go well in there, I wanted to set up a tank of angels or gouramis, but the tank isn't quite big enough for angels, I don't think, and I have never relly had much luck with gouramis. plus I DEFINITELY could NOT put neons in there wiht angels. So I guess I will e puttign a small school of neons a small school of cories and whatever I don't know what else right now... My favorite color is blue, and I love orange, most of the smaller fish that I have seen that are colorful are livebearers, I think I want to stay away from them this time and remember I will have a black and maybe some blue substrate but thats all gravel wise. Does this help any?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Hi there,
well if you like Blue Neons are a good choice.
If you like orange, you could go for Glowlight Tetras
They are the same size as neons, and have a bright orangey red stripe down the side. They will school in one group too, the glowlights and neons. I think they look
great with Neons.
Heres a pic of one of my glowlight tetras

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
Hey that is a GREAT Idea what do you think of splash tetras I saw them on a post on here and though they looked GREAT! I think I will have an assorted tetra tank I think what do you think of that idea?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
I think that sounds excellent.
So I think, and someone else may comment
on this if they like, that in a 25g tank,
with 6 corys on the bottom.
You could have 3 groups each of 6 individuals
So say,
6 neon tetra
6 splashing tetra
6 other type of tetra
6 Corys.
That would be nice and lightly stocked, and
with some plants, would do very well.
I can also recommend some plant types, depending on the lighting. Is it a tall tank, or a short long tank?
What type of light?

Last edited by So_Very_Sneaky at 16-Oct-2005 20:04

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
Cool I definitely like that idea I will let you knwo what other types of tetras I am goign to put in her ewhen I can and if I change my mind on any of it. I have a tall tank. It is 20 in tall. My hood is the one that came with it I assume it is a 15 watt light because it does not say how many watts it is. It only says that it is an 18" bulb. Can I get a higher wattage bulb to put in it or will I have to buy a completely new good? If so what do you suggest? I would love to hear some recommendations on plants as well.

Last edited by dvmchrissy at 16-Oct-2005 20:29
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
Well there has been a slight change of plans... I am going to get another 25 :%) and put my marine tank in there instead of my 10 gallon tanks. However this leaves me with a 10 gallon tank that I don't know what to do with so I need some ideas. I want somethign a little different. Is there anything unusual I could put in this tank? I really want something totally different in it!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Just remember, you are going to need
to buy a quite expensive new hood for your
25g tank to turn it into a marine tank.
Most marine tanks need oodles and oodles
of light.
For the 10g, why not try breeding hasbrosus corys?
Or Pencilfish?
Or you could probably even wing it with a pair of
kribs if you like those african cichlidy cave dwelling types.
Or just have a fairly large group of small tetra lol

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
I really want my marine set-up in my 10 gallon but everyone seems to think thats not a good idea. I have never really tried to breed anything, Can you tell me about the hasbrosus cories? I haven't been able to find anything on these guys. If it will be that expensive I will just try to set the 10 gallon up for the marine tank which like, I said is what I wanted to do anyway. I have never had cichlids either, I thought abotu putting some cichlids in my 25 gallon tank but was afraid they would need more room than that. Oh well, I probabyl don't need to get antoher tank righ tnow anyway unfortunately...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
Well my lfs didn't have any danios today (I was going to use them to cycle my tank), so I opted for mollies. She told me I could return them when my tank cycled for full credit at the store which was good. I think I kinda like the lil buggers though. I just picked dout 3 that I liked the colors of, and what do ya know I ended up with 2 females and a male. Funny huh? I haven't decided whether or not I will keep them in the end or not but I don't know. I may just go to another lfs and get some danios and go ahead and return them. Can't decide what to do... Well I guess the tank is on its way anyway I hope it works out right. *Crosses fingers* I jsut had a sudden change of heart woudl I be able to put a bolivian ram in with my tetras I never really realized how pretty of a fish they are until I jsut looked at a picture of one...

Last edited by dvmchrissy at 18-Oct-2005 22:17
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Yes, a Bolivian Ram could be kept in a 10g tank
with some tetras.
They are awesome fish, one of my absolute favorites.
I dont know why people keep telling you a 10g
would be unsuitable for a salt water tank.
Perhaps because you are new to salt water?
I know a lot more people are going with nano tanks,
and sticking to just a couple of inverts, or a single fish and some inverts.
Myself, I would go with a Purple Firefish and some
bumblebee snails, and then maybe a cool shrimp.
Yes, 25g tank gives more options, but a 10g neednt be ruled out. Also, have you considered a Brackish Tank?
There are many small brackish water fish that would be very rewarding, like Bumblebee Gobies or Dwarf Puffers.
Also, there is the option of doing a small paludarium, and keeping something like a small newt?
Or maybe an African Butterflyfish?
They are really cool, but not sure if one would be small enough to keep alone in a 10g, mind you they dont move around too much.
Or, a crayfish?
Lots of options for you.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
I have been toying with the idea of a brackish tank as well. I saw some adorable waspfish on a post the other day that I would love to have. All these nano tanks I have heard abotu are the reason I felt liek I could try a saltwater tank! I jsut wanted my own lil nemo lol. Anyway I guess I could look into some other ideas but I really want to have a sw tank. I guess I need to keep my options open for right now, especially since I haven't even gotten my 25 fixed yet. I will probably end up with my 10 being a sw tank.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
Well I went to the fish store and guess what I went a TOTALLY different route I got 3 rainbow fish. I know I know... That's nothing like what I was going to do, but a really good friend of mine works at the store and I asked her what do you think I should do? She showed me these and what can I say she convinced me quickly! I love them! They are soo nifty to watch all ready! Well I will get back to you on what else I do Thanks!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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