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SubscribeNew tank
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
We found a bargin tank! It's 90l - that's about 24 US gallons. I don't know the dimensions yet.

As some of you may know i have a 15 US gallon tank with a Siamese Fighting Fish, 5 Black Neon Tetras and 3 Albino Bronze Corydoras.

Anyway, i got the tank for the corries, so they're being moved, and i thought i should move the tetras too as they could do with the swimming space.

The fish aren't being moved for a while yet, but i like to plan ahead. That, and by the time i've changed my mind 50billion times it'll be time to stock

So, i'd have a 15 gallon with a Siamese Fighting Fish.
And a 24 ish gallon with 3 Albino Bronze Corries and 5 Black Neon Tetras.

I'll be interested in any suggestions....

Would it be possible to fit a Bristlenose Pleco in the larger tank?

Very into corries. Would pandas/ pygmies fit in the little tank??????

Anyway, i like tetras, barbs, plecos, corries, loaches, cichlids, livebearers (mainly platies/ guppies) gouramis...... most fish really. But i'm looking for a peaceful community tank in both.

Like i said, any schemes, but they must include the fish i said earlier (corry, tetra, betta) i would consider leaving the tetras in the 15 though.

Thanks in advance.

Post InfoPosted 19-Sep-2006 20:20Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
I have a couple ideas,
for the 24g, Id add 3 more
albino corys. You wouldnt believe the difference
in their behaviour in larger groups.
So lets say,
6 Albino Corys
5 Black Neons
BN Pleco
Another group of schooling fish, maybe cardinals
or lemons, something contrasting with the black neons?

In the smaller tank:
1 Betta
10 Panda Corys!
I know someone on here would love that idea
Or maybe
1 betta
6 Panda Cory
6 Pygmy Cory
1 Betta
6 panda cory
Blue ram
or something like that.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 19-Sep-2006 20:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 281
Kudos: 137
Votes: 30
Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk

I love the corries, not sure which i like more
Anyway, Boris (the betta - from here known aas Boris) likes something to chase.
So maybe
6 Panda/Pygmy corries
*Something for Boris to chase*
(I could leave the black neons in there, would they work with six small cories?
Un-decided about what kind of fish i actually want in there. The tetras might not move.

Any suggestions about this welcome.
Post InfoPosted 20-Sep-2006 17:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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