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SubscribeStocking a 160l tank
Posts: 56
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Registered: 28-Feb-2007
male australia
As a nooby to FW aquariums i'd first like to thank everybody involved with this website. All of your information regarding setting up and cycling has been invaluable. A couple of tank is a 3ft 160L,my ph is 7.2. It is currently home to ...
2 small angels
3 skunk cories
5 black phantom tetras
I intend to increase the cory family,but, was wondering what else you thought would be suitable. I was thinking maybe small rasboras but wasn't sure if the ph might be an issue. I'd rather something to suit the water chemistry than altering water to suit the fish.
The other sister gave me the phantom tetras,(bless her) but, 1 female & 4 males. The boys do seem to harass her a bit. Should i get some more females? Thanks

"if you're goin swimmin,watch out for the noahs"
Post InfoPosted 01-Mar-2007 02:53Profile PM Edit Report 
Posts: 45
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Registered: 24-Jan-2007
male canada
Increasing the size of the school for the phantom tetras would definitely be good for everyone, not a whole lot bigger, maybe 3 or 4, try and get as many females from that 3/4 as possible and you should be okay as far at they go.

Increasing the number of cories you have wouldn't hurt either, they do like to be in groups. I think the only thing you should be worried about is over populating the tank. You might not have to have too much concern about it but better safe than sorry.

As an alternative you may be able to put in another small shoal of about 5-6 tetras of some sort. Look around at your LFS and see what they have available, then research to see what kind of PH they need. The best thing to do i do some research and narrow down your options.

king of the frontosa
Post InfoPosted 01-Mar-2007 03:07Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guy
Mega Fish
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Registered: 28-Jan-2004
male canada
I would go with the following for you're tank including what you have there.
- 2 small angels
- 7 Skunk cories
- 8 Black Phantom tetras ( 3 males/5 females )
- 4-5 Cherry Barbs
So obviously you will have to get rid of 2 males, see if you're LFS will take them in.
Post InfoPosted 01-Mar-2007 03:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 56
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Registered: 28-Feb-2007
male australia
Thanks for the replies guys. My LFS is happy to take any fish that I have in abundance & then I'll track down some more females.Thanks again.

"if you're goin swimmin,watch out for the noahs"
Post InfoPosted 02-Mar-2007 11:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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