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SubscribeStocking help...again
Small Fry
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Registered: 09-Dec-2007
female usa
I posted awhile ago with my stocking list for my 40g tall aquarium, but after visiting my LFS I was disappointed to find that they don't have most of the fish I want, and I don't have the money to order them online.

The fish I was most looking forward to was the Pearl Gouramis, but since they don't have them I was wondering if Gold Gouramis would work instead?

I was thinking of...

2 Gold Gouramis
2 Angelfish
6 Platys (males only)
6 Corys (not sure which kind)

I'm not very happy with this list, and I'm nervous about the Gold Gouramis being too agressive, and also nervous about getting two Angels because I've heard that they will fight each other.

Any ideas would be appreciated, the only thing in my tank right now is 3 Platys, and I want a peaceful tank.


Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2008 05:02Profile PM Edit Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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male usa us-delaware
What kind of LFS doesn't have Pearl gouramis? Try going up to the counter and asking if they can order them in, Pearls are almost undoubtedly on their ordering list.

I can't comment on the Angels... The part of this stock that doesn't make sense to me is the platies. But that's a personal opinion... I have a general dislike for poeciliids (and have even started to avoid that aisle of the fish store altogether). How about tetras or rasboras?

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2008 05:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male canada
Agree with Shinigami. I'd replace the platy's with a school of 6 medium sized tetras. Pearl Gouramis should work nicely with Angels. otherwise, some peaceful SA cichlids will also be a good choice (rams, or keyholes).
I wouldn't worry too much about the two Angels in a 40G. They might pick on each other but should not be excessively aggresive.
Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2008 06:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 12
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Registered: 09-Dec-2007
female usa
What kind of LFS doesn't have Pearl gouramis?

The stupid kind. I live out in the country, so I don't have many options. (no Petsmart) I've looked for them at my LFS, Wal-Mart, and Meijers. All 3 had Gold Gouramis, Kissing Gouramis, and Dwarfs, but no Pearls. I will ask if they can order them though.

Platys are just a personal favorite of mine, and I love the ones I have and would like to get more.

I originally wanted either a school of either Lemon Tetras or Harlequins, but my LFS didn't have either.

I guess I should hold out for the Pearls, I love the way they look and they would go great with the Angels.

Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2008 07:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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