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SubscribeTankmates for tiger barbs
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Registered: 17-Jan-2006
male usa

I have a fully cycled 29 gallon tank with nothing in it and wanted to put tiger barbs in it. I was wondering if I could put maybe 6 or 7 tiger barbs in it. Please, let me know if that is too much. I was also wondering if I could put a small pleco in with them. Advice will be greatly appreciated.

Post InfoPosted 29-Dec-2006 10:24Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Guy
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You could actually probely go with 10-12 tiger barbs if thats all that is going in the tank. Tiger barbs can be nippy but when they are in a school they are a lot less nippy. I would maybe go with a BN pleco as they dont get as large as the common plecos.
Post InfoPosted 30-Dec-2006 02:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 17-Jan-2006
male usa
Thank you fish guy. I'm thinking about having a smaller school, about 8 to be exact. I was wondering if anyone else had any suggestions on tankmates. I would like another fish that would be a kinda centerpiece fish and only have 1 or 2 of those.
Post InfoPosted 04-Jan-2007 22:37Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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That's a tough question for another beginner like me.

But I noticed no one else has been along to help you. Whatever you choose it shouldn't have too long of fins to tempt the tiger barbs, or be too shy of them as to be frightened. Maybe someone else will come along soon with some suggestions. Meantime, you could explore the fish on the profiles section & see what appeals to you that would fit the bill?
Post InfoPosted 07-Jan-2007 05:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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just a quick suggestion , stay with your 6-8 tiger barbs ,if you want a couple of centrepiece fish , maybe try a pair of firemouth cichlid (thorichthys meeki), and to finish the tank off maybe a school of 5-6 cories and a small pleco , maybe bristlenose or clown . should make a nice collection covering all areas of the tank with no conflicts. like fish patty said , go thru the profiles on this and other sites and look at the " compatable fish " lists .. you'll find other fish you might like ... want to get daring , try a rainbow shark ... they're not all "killers" .. you might get one of the less aggressive ones ( just watch him close) .. good luck in whatever you try ... you'll find something to your liking
Post InfoPosted 07-Jan-2007 07:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 17-Jan-2006
male usa
Thank you fish patty and wottond. I've read on other posts from this site that firemouths and rainbow sharks grow too large for a 29 gal aquarium. Both of those species sound great to me but I do not think others would advise that. If some other patrons of fishprofiles say it is ok then I would go with a RTBS because my friend just got one for his 55 gal and I think he is beautiful. As always, advice is greatly appreciated.

Post InfoPosted 07-Jan-2007 07:56Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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male canada
hi again
the rainbow shark would be a stretch !!! ... definitely not with the firemouths in there as well ... am also interested in what others think , but i do think it would work with the firemouths , small species of 5-6 cories and the clown pleco .... good luck
Post InfoPosted 07-Jan-2007 08:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by kunzman96
RTBS would get along fine with the Tiger Barbs. I am probably doing the same this summer in a 125 gallon. Finding bottom feeders that can handle themselves in this semi-aggressive to aggressive tank is the question? Bristelnose will probably work but I would be affraid to put corys in with a RTBS. Ask Calilassea about that. He seems to be the authority on the cory's. I have no experience with firemouths so I can not comment on that.

"Talk is cheap. Action can be almost as affordable"
Post InfoPosted 07-Jan-2007 09:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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Speaking of RTBS, I believe everybody's experience with them is a little different.
I had a "Rainbow shark" in my 55 gal. this summer that I thought was peaceful, until I watched it at night. Then I put a post on here titled, "Rainbow shark attacks at night!". I had tiger barbs & cories in the tank also.This is an excerpt below, but you can find differing opinions on this subject if you just explore "search". But in your case you can type in your red tailed black shark or RTBS.

" That "peaceful" Rainbow shark was chasing away any sepae tetra or tiger barb that came near the food. Not just casually chasing away but violently chasing each one to the point of exhaustion! The other fish (guppies, zebra danios, red eyed tetras) & bottom dwellers he just more or less warned or gave short chase to. I wondered how a serpae turned up with with a skinned face one day?"

Post InfoPosted 07-Jan-2007 17:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
* Newbe *
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female usa
hi I have 6 Tiger barbs and a rtbs in my 29g and i love them .The do chase each other some times specially when they come to close to my rtbs cave I don't think adding corries in there would be a good thing but that is just my 2cent


Post InfoPosted 07-Jan-2007 18:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 17-Jan-2006
male usa
Here is the stocking list I am thinking about:

8 Tiger Barbs
1 BN

Thanks guys and gals for all your help. It has been very helpful.

Post InfoPosted 09-Jan-2007 00:10Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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Sounds like a nice tank

Both the plec and RTBS would appreciate some sort of caves in your aquascaping

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 09-Jan-2007 00:38Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 17-Jan-2006
male usa

I have a massive decoration about 12 inches tall and about 20 inches long with 4 or 5 seperate little caves/hiding places so I know that they will have numerous choices of places to hide in. Thank you everyone for your help. I greatly appreciate it.

Post InfoPosted 09-Jan-2007 18:06Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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