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SubscribeWhat To Do With 10G Tank?
Fish Master
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I am in planning mode again. I just have too many empty tanks.

I will be setting up a new 55g soon...I'm buying stuff a week at a time (poor college kid). When I set it up, my 6 harlies will be moving from my 10g to the 55g. I haven't decided about my betta yet. He may go in the 55g for a little while...atleast until I start adding more stock (in particular Pearl gouramis).

I wanted to use the 10g as a QT tank, but was told it would be too small, considering the number and size of some of the fish on my list.

I thought about turning the 10g into a shellie tank...but remembered all the extra plant cuttings I have and wouldn't have anywhere to put them, except in the trash. So now I would like to increase my lighting (have 2wpg now...looking for 2 20w CF bulbs). I want to get the Hagen Natural Plant thingy (seems like a safer alternative to the DIY bottles) and heavily plant my 10g with appropriate plants.

So what is my question you ask...well what would you suggest for stocking. The tank would be completely what would you stock it with. I have thought about dwarf puffers...and other tetras.

For the record I already have:
head and tailights
flame tetras

In other tanks of I'm looking for something a little different.

Any suggestions?/:'

Post InfoPosted 25-May-2006 18:16Profile PM Edit Report 
Queen of Zoom
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Cherry barbs looks great in a well-planted tank. They don't have to be kept in schools, so you could have a few pair (pairs?).

A group of male Endler's would look nice

I've been reading a lot about Apistos (my first will be here next week ) and a pair would do well in a 10g.

There are a number of dwarf rasboras that show up in stores occasionally if you're interested in a school of something other than tetras.

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Post InfoPosted 25-May-2006 18:57Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
I have definitely thought about Apistos...and Blue rams. But I'm guessing a pair is all I can have (no other fish). I actually want to try to understock this tank...but its hard to do. I love seeing lots of little fishies swimming around.

I want to do this one heavily planted...and understocked. Apistos and rams are definitely on the "to seriously consider" list (but of course...not together).

I would have to order the Apistos online though because I've never seen them in a LFS near me. We just don't have any LFS that have a good "unique" selection.

I have never seen endlers either.

Dwarf rasboras would be very cute...but I haven't seen them.

What about lemon tetras? I have always wanted a school...but never could work them in. Are they pretty small? Or would they be too much for a 10g?

Thanks for the suggestions Theresa!

Post InfoPosted 25-May-2006 19:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by divertran
My wife made me try the dwarf puffer thing, so I set my ten up with nice tiny gravel, lotsa caves and plants for cover. Three would be the limit for a ten, but they can be very finicky eaters. About half the dp's sold today are wild-caught and may not accept anything but live food. I tried snails which they really liked but you can't get enuff of them, frozen bloodworms were not accepted, they won't eat flakes. In the end I had a cycled tank with a very nice betta in it, although now I need something that likes to munch algae.

Her's a link to an informative site
Post InfoPosted 26-May-2006 12:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
frozen bloodworms were not accepted

That's why I shouldn't go with DP's. I could not give them live food...actually I don't even know where to get live food. So, I'm marking them off my list!
I can handle the frozen bloodworms...but I won't be touching anything live.

I'm still considering the Apistos. I just wonder how much they will cost and shipping.

now I need something that likes to munch algae.

Ottos! /:'

Post InfoPosted 26-May-2006 15:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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LAZY and I don't care :D
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My 10 was a dedicated ACF tank until I had a dwarf red flame gourami that was torturing my opaline gourami in the 29 so I moved "Bad Gourami" to the 10 with the frog and now I added a large male platy that became belligerant to the other platies when I moved them from my 29 to my 55!! (more space = more aggression ) So now my 10 is a mishmosh of a big, fat frog and mean fish.

I second the cherry barb idea. I have 6 in my 29 and they look fantastic in a planted tank.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."
Post InfoPosted 26-May-2006 16:24Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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my 10 is a mishmosh of a big, fat frog and mean fish.

That just struck me as particularly funny...hey, it's still early here

I'm still considering the Apistos. I just wonder how much they will cost and shipping

I have the same problem you mentioned: lfs that don't carry anything 'unusual'. I bought my apistos off AquaBid...$40 for 1M/2F A. cacatuoides Triple Red including shipping.

Check into local fish clubs; for some reason I've found that most clubs have at least a few people that specialize in apistos.

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Post InfoPosted 26-May-2006 16:35Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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LAZY and I don't care :D
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Glad I could provide a laugh!

Aquabid does have some awesome looking Apistos! I think ApistoDave has some good looking fish for sale on there!

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."
Post InfoPosted 26-May-2006 17:07Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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$40 for 1M/2F A. cacatuoides Triple Red including shipping

That doesn't sound too bad.

I have actually checked out ApistoDave's auctions before...but that was before I was considering getting some. Apistos are some gorgeous fish. Maybe I'll do the 1m/2f thing. Is that better than getting just one of each (1m/1f)? I guess its kind of hard to request a pair (that gets along!).

I wonder if Apistos would eat shrimp....I'm guessing yes. I have never kept shrimp...the cherry ones are kind of cute. I wouldn't want to buy them and they end up fish food though.

Post InfoPosted 26-May-2006 18:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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EditedEdited by Theresa_M
A mini-harem (1M/2F) would be better than a pair. Make sure to have a lot of caves/hiding places for the females: plants, wood, pots, etc.

I've heard a lot of good about ApistoDave. Have you checked out his website or just his AquaBid auctions?

As far as shrimp I usually assume anything but the tiniest of fish would snack on them. I have a planted 10g with just MTS and cherries. I'd love to put apistos in there as well but I'm waiting for the cherries to breed so for now it stays fish-less.

My apistos should be here Wednesday though

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Post InfoPosted 29-May-2006 03:49Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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Have you checked out his website or just his AquaBid auctions?

Just his auctions. I'll take a look at his website though. I assume its listed on the auctions.

Congrats on getting the Apistos. Don't forget to show us pictures of the new arrivals./:'

Post InfoPosted 30-May-2006 00:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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EditedEdited by zachf92
i have read that some apistos (agassizii and borelli in particular) may become intolerant of each other when in such a small aquarium, so it may be wise to only get one. also, i have seen dwarf rasboras being sold on, so you may want to consider using them. they also sell a wide variety of shrimp, as i see you have been thinking about getting shrimp.
Post InfoPosted 30-May-2006 02:59Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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Many people keep apistos successfully in 10g tanks. You could write a quick post in Cichlid Central or pop ACIDRAIN a PM, I know he's kept and bred them.

Cichlid-forum suggests A. cacatuoides, bitaeniata, and agassizii in their 10g cookie cutter list.

Apisto Dave's site You could probably contact him for suggestions as well.

Arizona Aquatic Gardens does have a good selection of fish, shrimp and plants but IMO their shipping rates are very high.

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Post InfoPosted 30-May-2006 11:27Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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I will get some feedback from Cichlid Central before I make a move. I still have to set up my new 55g before I get to the 10g, so it may be a few months. Things are going slow with the new 55.

Thanks for Apisto Dave's site Theresa, it wasn't listed on his auctions and I tried to search but didn't get anything. I will check it out.

AZ Gardens has high shipping for plants, i think. I couldn't imagine what they charge for fish.

Post InfoPosted 30-May-2006 16:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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