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SubscribeWhat to do with Eclipse 3 & 6 aquariums?
Posts: 34
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Registered: 18-Apr-2003
male usa
Just looking for some possible stocking ideas for Eclipse 3 & 6 gallon aquariums. The 3 gallon is totally stock. Could I plant the 3 gallon? I was thinking of very low light plants such as java fern, java moss, etc. The 6 gallon is modified with a 13 watt PC bulb from and a Whisper 10i internal filter (my old filter caught on fire but that is another story ). I have had the 6 gallon setup as a planted tank before with various grasses, java fern, and those aponogeton (sp?) bulbs that you can buy at Wal-Mart so I know that it is capable of supporting plants. Let me know what you would do if you had these aquariums. Right now they are both cycling with small feeder guppies. 6 guppies in the 6 gallon and 3 guppies in the 3 gallon. Thanks in advance for the help deciding.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Megil TelZeke
Fish Addict
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male usa us-northcarolina
What are the stocking plans for these tanks? sometimes it is
good to know what fish are going in teh tank to decide what
plans should go in.

It is possible to plant both of these tanks, the plant
selection however is quite limited due to size. Several
cryptocorynes would work as a background/midground plants in
these small tanks. Anubias would also be a nice selection as
it grows slowly. You may want to look for a prettier moss as
java grows quite long and quite messily. Xmas or Taiwan moss
have a better structure. mini moss or weeping moss could also

You will want to get some hardscape piece for attaching the
moss, a small piece of driftwood is always nice.


Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 34
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Registered: 18-Apr-2003
male usa
Thanks for the help. The stock I was planning on is for a general community tank with possibly some livebearers (fancy guppies) & maybe some small corys or some ghost shrimp.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 33
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Registered: 28-Sep-2004
male usa
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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Registered: 04-Jan-2004
female usa us-maryland
You could have a pair of [link=brevis]" style="COLOR: #CC3366[/link] in the 6g, then plants wouldn't be a concern

I have the same 6 as well as a Mini-Bow 5.5g. The 6g I have simply planted with a carpet of dwarf sag. The 5.5g has crypts, dwarf sag, and a lava rock with java moss & java fern attached. As these small tanks fill in with plants they look great!

Good luck

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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