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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# Invertebrates
  L# Apple snail breeding problem
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SubscribeApple snail breeding problem
Posts: 162
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Registered: 28-Apr-2003
female uk
Well more a problem with the eggs they have laid.

In my tank the only place they can lay above the water line is ontop of the condensation trays and within the hood.

However this is in close proximity to the fluorescent tubes and they are drying up way before they are fully developed and hatch.

I have tried removing clutches to a humid container but with little success. Is there any way to help prevent them drying out as I would love to have more snails in my oscar tank. I must be doing something right as they are laying clutches weekly.

Any help would be apprecieated.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:27Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 21-Mar-2004
male usa
Place them in a very small, very shallow container that has a lid. Allow a couple small holes in the lid for ventilation. Place a sponge in the container and fill with distilled water....only enough to fill up the sponge and then a couple inches from the top of the sponge. Scrape eggs off tank wall - should do this as close as possible so as to not tear the eggs up. Place them on top of sponge. Maintain water level. You can do this is a small tank also, or similar containers.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:27Profile PM Edit Report 
Posts: 162
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Registered: 28-Apr-2003
female uk
I tried something like that in a clear container, I placed the eggs in a measuring cup which floated in about a half inch of water. This had some tissue to help evaporation. This was then placed above the tank to recieve warmth from the lighting system to aid in evaporation. The whole thing was covered in kitchen wrap to keep moisture in.

Will try the sponge variation.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:27Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 21-Mar-2004
male usa
The water around the sponge will keep the sponge wet, but since the eggs aren't submerged in the water, the snails won't drown. The egg clutch will derive moisture from the sponge so won't dry out. Make sure the water does not go up to the top of the sponge, but don't let it drop too far either. No more than an inch from the top of the sponge and no less than 2"...should be fine. Good Luck.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:27Profile PM Edit Report 
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