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  L# Name that snail!
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SubscribeName that snail!
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Registered: 15-Oct-2007
female canada
This cute little guy* is only about 2.5 mm wide and maybe 4 mm long just now, but he's fast! He's got a mottled dark grey/black shell, and a black foot. I doubt very much that he's either a Ramshorn or an Apple, but beyond that I'm stumped (and I could be wrong on these too). Here he is from underneath. And here is a side view, with reflection. My apologies for picture quality.

I hope they're good enough for someone to ID the little fella.

*gender is arbitrary, because I hate calling him it.

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Post InfoPosted 31-Oct-2007 19:59Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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I don't know what kind it is either, but my mom's tank used to have a bunch of them and they don't get too big (under 1 cm long).

Post InfoPosted 31-Oct-2007 22:52Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 15-Oct-2007
female canada
I suspect he's a feeder snail (physid), but I'd like to be sure, so I can decide if he's just a temporary guest or not.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2007 00:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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It's probably a pond snail, like you get with plants. If you go to profiles on here, under crustaceans, you will see a pic of one. If you don't get rid of it you will probably end up with more snails, as they don't need another snail to produce more snails. This is just my guess, as I know little about snails.

You mentioned the words physid, feeder snail & ramshorn & I said pond snail. I'm thinking these names are all the same for the same snail? Maybe someone will come on & clear all this up.
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2007 01:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by gaia
Looks like a physa to me. They stay small, but breed very fast. They are quite fun to look at (they are fast and they can get up and down in the mass of the water as they like) as long as they are not too many, but soon they can become a pest, so better remove them immediatly when you see them. I also find them cute, but...
They are not apples. Little apples are round, and they don't just appear in your fishtank, they lay their eggs in a clutch that is impossible not to notice because is a couple of cm big.
Physa is not the same with the ramhorn , the last one is round and flat, but also breeds very fast.
It seems the pondsnail is the same one with physa, but I am not sure that other people don't use this name for ramhorns (planorbis).
Here is the profile:

PS: I wrote 'they' because a physa never comes alone, be sure you have more of them and you just don't see them yet.

Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2007 01:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 15-Oct-2007
female canada
So the zebra loach plan is sounding better and better all the time....

Yes, I think we've spotted two more now. Tiny ones. And speedy is definitely an F1 racing snail!

I rather like him, but too many would not be a good thing.

I vote! Do you?
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2007 22:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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