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 Freshwater Aquaria
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Blue Snails? Some Questions!
I went to Petco the other day because they seem to be getting good fish in and the LFS people are crazy and only have fish because they have room (The...
JediDragon122-Jul-2004 06:29
Shrimp tank. INFO please
I am interested in setting up a shrimp tank. My 29 will be heavily planted. I want it to be only shrimp and maybe ottos to get the algae on the glass....
tetraman12251522-Jul-2004 03:55
Apple snail breeding problem
Well more a problem with the eggs they have laid. In my tank the only place they can lay above the water line is ontop of the condensation trays and...
kitty322-Jul-2004 03:43
Snails Breeding Like Crazy
Is this normal snail behavior for about 25+ To go to the front of the tank by some left over food from the bottom and start breeding...breeding...and...
Plantfanatic221-Jul-2004 18:43
Buying/stocking Amano shrimp
Hello Does anyone know where i can get these in so-cal? (i'm in the Irvine area) i've checked Petown, but they dont seem to have them... anyone got...
Dakkon121-Jul-2004 10:25
OMG!?! Color changing shrimps???
well, about a few months ago i purchased a pair of amano shrimps, Hannibal and Hannabelle, and since i hadn't seen them for a month or two, i thought...
guppylove19851021-Jul-2004 03:55
Ghost shrimp VS. Apple snail (bridgesii)
What are the benefits of a ghost shrimp in comparison to Apple snails? -Who has a bigger effect on the bioload? -Who requires more maintanence? -Who...
katieb220-Jul-2004 09:52
Any way to sex a crayfish?
Just curious, I have my electric blue and keep calling it a "she", wouldn't want it to have a compex if it was male.. (yes, I talk to my fish, I'm a l...
BruceTheBetta820-Jul-2004 05:15
I had 2 snails now I have about 200 WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THEM?!
Pages: 1, 2
I had 2 snails and now I have around 200 and I only had them for 2 weeks. What should I do with all of them? I`m gonna call my LFS and see if they wil...
bluejett2919-Jul-2004 23:12
Has anyone kept them in there tanks and just left them alone? I was wondering what I could feed mine..don't have any fish in my tank so I figured hey....
Plantfanatic219-Jul-2004 05:15
Ghost Shrimp
I am thinking of buying ghost shrimp instead of plecos, ottos or chinese algea eaters. I have a 40G tank with: 2-dwarf cockatoo cichlids 2-Harlequin...
luisprado818-Jul-2004 01:27
I have a 20g and I would like to have some sort of Lobster or crayfish in it. Could I have some suggestions on what would do good in a 20?...
fishguy717-Jul-2004 13:30
Well, I'm doing a routine gravel vac, and I discovered a tiny snail on one of my plants. This is the 1st snail I've ever seen in my tank. Did he com...
aviator614-Jul-2004 06:12
large snails
i see those large snails for sale for about 3-4 bucks at pet stores, that are about quarter size or larger. I'm thinking of getting one, but are they...
agent_alice114-Jul-2004 05:35
Ghost Shrimp
I want to know all about ghost shrimp: * What size tank do they need? * What do you feed them? * How many can I have in one tank?...
ILuvBettas314-Jul-2004 05:28
how to get rid of all snails
help i just bought some new plants which had about 50 snails on them. help how do i get rid of them?...
bettachris613-Jul-2004 20:14
Ermn,,,,,,,Impulsive buy
[font color="#C00000"] Ok, I will be the first to admit that I have not made a rational, thought out, decision in years. And this one is cer...
DragonPhoenix213-Jul-2004 19:29
My snail eating my plants *pics*
You know Mystery snails? those ones that everyone says DON'T eat plants?? Well, they PREFER other foods, but they do seem to get a little nibbly whe...
Callatya313-Jul-2004 13:22
Nerite Snail question
This is a hard one. I have Nerite snails in all my freshwater tanks. Nerite snails are saltwater snails and the ones I have are acclimated to freshwat...
spyder113-Jul-2004 01:49
Snail eaters
I got a java fern at petsmart and it apparently came with snails. I've seen two tiny black snails that've been disturbed when i clean the tank. I ha...
jboston19512-Jul-2004 21:44
Hi i just got baq from the beach with a muscle, he is sooo cute lol... the only problem is... wat to feed him???? PLEASE ANYONE!! i need help! thanx...
PlatiesAREcool212-Jul-2004 17:56
pond snails
how big do common pond snails get and what is the life expectency on one. last month or so one got in to my tank on some of my anarcharis from my pon...
jimg87412-Jul-2004 17:53
Safest Snail Killer
What do you think is the best snail killer that wont kill fish like cories and baby guppies. I know i wont be able to have any more shrimp after this...
Evan Wayne412-Jul-2004 06:15
Bamboo shrimp wool
Recently, I added an individual bamboo shrimp into my 10 gal. Whilst it was acclimating (over the course of 3 days), I noticed that the driftwood bore...
Klee311-Jul-2004 23:08
Thought Apple Snails Were Safe For Live Planted Tanks???
Okay, here is the situation. I bought an apple snail to help combat a cynobacteria issue (no one here seemed to want to give me ideas on how to get r...
Stormy211-Jul-2004 05:56
do nitrites hurt snails or shrimp?
Well.... simple as that, do they? I'm fishless cycling a tank for my girlfriend's mom, and right now the nitrite is at its peak (about 2 ppm) and she...
Racso210-Jul-2004 21:10
do nitrites hurt snails?
Well.... simple as that, do they? I'm fishless cycling a tank for my girlfriend's mom, and right now the nitrite is at its peak (about 2 ppm) and she...
Racso009-Jul-2004 18:52
I knew there was a reason I never kept snails.......
Well I just happen to look over at my tank and I have this snail that I thought was dead as it hasn't moved since the actual day I got it. Well I move...
Jubs1909-Jul-2004 11:48
Shrimp molting deaths
Wasn't sure to put this in Hospital thread or here, so feel free to move accordingly..... Anyway, the background: I've had cherry, amano, and one flo...
jake609-Jul-2004 02:04
My ghost shrimp has a white string...
Hey all! A couple weeks ago I had bought a shlew of ghost shrimp to put into my 20g and 10g just for custodial purposes. I noticed on ONE of the g...
~jamie~608-Jul-2004 15:58
Good cleaning snails
what are some good cleaning snails for my heavily planted 10g? I'm going to be getting rid of the CAE....
fishnewbie408-Jul-2004 01:57
Snail food...and perhaps a bit of a problem?
Shelldon, my golden apple snail, has been doing swimmingly lately. I slipped some lettuce in the tank earlier this afternoon to see if he would eat it...
kitsoncoalesced707-Jul-2004 18:34
how good are ghost shrimp?
I'v got a realy bad algea problem in my mbuna tank will these go with my fish and are they good at cleaning????...
nano reefer907-Jul-2004 18:20
oscars and freshwater clams
could i keep a freshwater calm with my oscar. I don't think so, but my mom was just wondering....
fishboy8206206-Jul-2004 17:11
Ghost Shrimp
About how many could I keep in my 29? It currently contains 7 White Clouds, 2 small dojo loaches, 2 mollies, and ample hiding places (cave, driftwood,...
TheGoldenDojo1102-Jul-2004 17:19
feeder ghost shrimp
do feeder ghost shrimp have the same problems as feeder goldfish as far a disease and health...
greenmonkey51201-Jul-2004 16:16
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