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 Freshwater Aquaria
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Snails in Breeding Tank?
Pages: 1, 2
I just have another quick question before I go out and buy my breeder snails: Could I put them in a betta breeding tank with no problums? I keep my...
Inkling2218-Jan-2006 16:34
Snail ID Needed
I have, resident in the Panda Fun Palace™, a population of snails. The shells of these snails are shaped very much like those I've seen of illu...
Calilasseia1317-Jan-2006 04:56
what kinds of wormys am i keeping?
ok, a while ago, i used filter water for my fry tank (because that where i got them from) and i have absolutly no substrait on the bottom, just this a...
fishyhelper288214-Jan-2006 21:41
Black Mystery Snails
Okay. I got in a debate with someone about black mystery snails. Is it true that the cant breed? I always thought they could. Although I believe that...
Inkling413-Jan-2006 19:02
Too many crabs???
I have 3 male fiddler crabs and 3 female fiddler crabs, and I was wondering if they are taking up much of my bioload? I dont really think they are, Iv...
thestooge413-Jan-2006 06:24
algae as food?
i wanted to know if ghost shrimp ate algae cuz my hairgrass and telanthera are covered and the pleco isnt workn fast enouph:%)...
bratyboy2304-Jan-2006 08:45
Ghost Shrimp question
I have ghost shrimp but some have red spots on them like on there tail on the top one on both sides how can i tell which is female and which is male?...
DwarfGourami101-Jan-2006 05:15
common blue yabby (Cherax sp. crayfish)
im tearing down my 2 foot tank for a restock. the old fish have been found new homes in other tanks ofcourse. im looking to place in there some blue y...
lifeofcrimeguy131-Dec-2005 08:56
Snail Breeding
After reading all about the genetics of apple snails, I would like to give breeding a go. To breed a snail, what size tank do I need? Do you think th...
Inkling530-Dec-2005 01:04
"Gold Mystery Snail"/Apple Snails
What is the difference between a "Gold Mystery Snail" and an Apple Snail? Or Are they the same thing?...
Inkling1229-Dec-2005 22:03
Does this only happen to me?
Hello all When evr i add is some ghost shrimp, they seem to shed immeadiatly, within 15 minutes? Why do they do this. I buy them in 8s and at leas...
fishys_cant_fly729-Dec-2005 02:17
Hi everyone, hope you all had a good holiday season. I set up a new tropical tank, it is a 12 UK gall with plants that I am planning to put a betta a...
Fishy-Fishy628-Dec-2005 03:35
moon crabs eat fish?
I've have a moon/rainbow crab for 6 months. He has moulted once. I feed him freeze dried krill, hikari crab cuisine, the occasional walnut, various si...
pizpot027-Dec-2005 22:51
Will my apple snail crawl out of the tank?
Hi all, I have a 3 gallon tank I would like to put a apple snail in and was wondering if it would crawl out of the tank if it wasn't covered. Also, w...
pcktlnt527-Dec-2005 19:37
Malaysian Trumpets
I was up late one night and decided to turn on the light in the room with my 125g. I looked at the tank and saw a bunch of what looked like pebbles th...
greenmonkey51426-Dec-2005 04:03
ghost shrimp?
i have seen some with a little bit of orange? is this really a ghost shrimp? its a tiny bit of orange butr it still looks kewl...
fishys_cant_fly623-Dec-2005 04:29
Red Ramshorn Snails - MAYBE !
Cross your fingers for me peoples ? There's a chance I've located some Red Ramshorns for my planted tank, and najas grass too! I should know tomo...
DaMossMan520-Dec-2005 06:54
More Ghost Shrimp
So what is the biggest ghost shrimp anyone has seen? I brought one home from work tonight that is at least 2.5 to 3 inches long. I have never seen o...
Wingsdlc1417-Dec-2005 13:22
Red Crabs???
My LFS has recently acquired something called 'Red Crabs'. They are, reputedly, freshwater crabs. At the moment the carapace of these critters is app...
Calilasseia316-Dec-2005 17:54
My friend bought a crawdaddy and she would like to know how to care for it.....she bought some feeder goldfish so far......
esandbergger914-Dec-2005 07:29
I thought trumpets burrowed.
I bought 4 trumpet snail yesterday and I was told they burrowed but yet today after the lights being on 4 hours they are all still above the substrate...
bcwcat22314-Dec-2005 04:25
SNAILS question...
After planting my 37g just over a month ago, I noticed a few very tiny baby snails in the tank. They were too tiny to tell what kind they were. A fe...
NFaustman1008-Dec-2005 07:26
Ghost Shrimp
Can Ghost shrimp or other invertibrates get Ich?...
mrwizerd301-Dec-2005 05:35
Snail differences.
What is the difference between a Nerite Snail & a Common Apple Snail?. [link=]ht...
jasonpisani630-Nov-2005 08:42
Calcium & Snails.
Is it good to add some egg shells in a tank with Snails, so i'll add some Calcium that the Snails need?. [link=
jasonpisani528-Nov-2005 17:41
bulletproof shrimp?
hola i have a paradise in my 20g i understand that they eat shrimp. is there any invert that would fit in there with him?i would love a crab but unde...
M.A.G.628-Nov-2005 13:02
need Ghost Shrimp and crab info
I am going to get some Dwarf Puffers in the near future and I am going to ffed them ghost shrimp for treats. I will feed them frozen bloodworms also....
ladiejl726-Nov-2005 00:27
non-fish for 10
i will soon have an empty 10 gallon, i want to have a lobster in one of my ten or some time of cray fish, what are my options...
importfan878218-Nov-2005 00:13
Rccs and snails living in peace?
Can it happen? I'm housing two small red clawed crabs in a half filled 1Gal. Im planning to breed some snails to feed my figure eight puffers, can i h...
Iceterran116-Nov-2005 00:47
feeding a snail???
After spotting an albino snail in my tank, I did some quick research. I knew they ate plants, but I didn't know they need to be fed flakes or somethi...
T/A713-Nov-2005 08:19
Difference between Ghost Shrimp and Amano Shrimp?
Hi there, recently I was in my favorite pet store, and they had a shrimp labelled as "Japanese Algae Eating Amano Shrimp" for $4.50 for two, which is...
So_Very_Sneaky413-Nov-2005 00:23
Do you think that Snail's will make it 8 days in the post?.
I bought some Snail's from the UK & they will be shipped to Malta & it will take about 7/8 days. Do you think that they'll survive the transpo...
jasonpisani412-Nov-2005 18:21
Ghost Shrimp????
Hi does anyone know anything about breeding and raising the babys?? What is the proper name for the ghost shrimp babys? Thanks for the information in...
ashes810-Nov-2005 07:21
Injured snail
My ramshorn snail was acting strangly a few days ago and I really didnt pay attention. However today I noticed he was all the way in his shell not mov...
bcwcat22808-Nov-2005 23:53
moon crabs move water?
Hi, I have a moon crab. (aka rainbow crab I believe) I set him up a 20G tank with a 6" high glass wall across the middle. I put water on one side and...
pizpot407-Nov-2005 18:46
please identify this snail
i have lots of these, we thought they were malaysian trumpet snails but i have been told they dont grow that big. please identfy it for me and tell me...
hembo666702-Nov-2005 03:38
Tell me about Ghost Shrimp!
I can not find much useful information on ghost shrimp I think they are lots of fun and woudl love to have some... What do I need to know before I get...
dvmchrissy1131-Oct-2005 21:24
corys and snails
can cordoras and snail live together in peace? i have a 2 gallon i think is the size with a betta. do you think i could add a snail with my betta?...
derek9305430-Oct-2005 23:43
My Apple Snail laid some eggs..........
My Apple Snail laid some eggs on the top glass cover 3 days ago & i removed them to an empty tank yesterday. How long will they take to hatch &am...
jasonpisani230-Oct-2005 23:40
Awaiting invasion.
I have recently begun a planted tank setup as a center peice in our dining room. I constructed a stand and currently on re-working a light to house 3...
aliceisadog1629-Oct-2005 17:15
Could I add a shrimp??
Could I add some shrimp I was thinking bumble bee shrimp or Caridina serrata? I have always wanted to get shrimp as they seem to be interesting little...
bcwcat221227-Oct-2005 17:40
Crayfish terrorist
I have a crayfish in a 20 gallon tank and he completely destroyed my live plants, tearing their roots up and clipping the stems and stuff. I do not ha...
cliffizme2223-Oct-2005 20:29
Red Clawed Crabs Need to get out!
I got 2 red clawed crabs yesterday. The person in the shop said they dont need to come out of the water but ive read on many websites (and here) that...
br0ke_1T723-Oct-2005 04:56
What's the difference?
Is there a difference between amano shrimp and ghost shrimp? Also, if something in my tank killed my snails, can I get get ghost shrimp instead or wo...
dvmchrissy322-Oct-2005 03:49
Dang Snails
Hi guys, I know ur probably tired of answering this but i have a 10gallon with a few neons, otto and unwannted snails I dont see them destroying my p...
xlinkinparkx1321-Oct-2005 16:05
More ?s on Snails...
Are Black Mystery Snails and Gold Mystery Snails considered Apple Snails? I read they were in the 120-species Apple Snail family. Also, is it okay to...
kowar100420-Oct-2005 22:13
Ghost Shrimp With Eggs
Hi there. My Ghost Shrimp has several Green balls Stored In her abdominal region. Questions: Are they Eggs?? Do I need Another Shrimp to fertilize...
seventh_son_of_ed519-Oct-2005 19:06
snails with fry
i have 50-60 african cichlid fry at aptox 1 cm i also have heaps of alge which snail wold be suitalbe for this setup?...
african_man219-Oct-2005 18:43
Why are all my snails dying?
I have a 10 gallon freshwater tank, I work at a doctor's ofice and we have a few guppies and maybe 2 cories and a betta in the tank. I had 1 Huge gold...
dvmchrissy1616-Oct-2005 22:38
dead apple snail
One of my 3 apple snails had died, I don't know why, just found the empty shell... I need to ask 2 things: how long do they live? Is there anything t...
Smaug616-Oct-2005 00:29
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