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  L# Giant Bettas/Half Giants?
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SubscribeGiant Bettas/Half Giants?
Fish Addict
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
female usa
I have a HUGE betta, Klaus, who seems to just keep getting bigger. I got him from WalMart about 9 mo. ago and he is now about 3-4" Is this normal sized or do you think he is part giant or something?

Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 23:08Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
chances are it is not a gaint. while i have owned many large short tails, that were big, they were not gaints.
a true gaint would reach 3 icnhes in under 6 months if given the right condition.

in the usa gaints are still uncommon, and while their is a breeder in the usa that has bred a giant to a ctf, and thinks he is the best, chance are that this is not one of his fish.

with half gaints i mean, anything is possible, so if it makes any difference i guess you can call him a half gaint, but only breeding will tell.

i dont think libby bettas are still around.

just for some more info, what tail type and color is he.
Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 04:05Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
female usa
He is a red/purple mixed Vieltail, Large body. He may be too old to breed, as most fish that come from stores are roughly a year old (people want big fins)

Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 17:41Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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