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  L# Spotted Climbing Perch
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SubscribeSpotted Climbing Perch
Posts: 16
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Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
This isn't so much a question topic, but more a teeny bit of a brag! Haha. I recently purchased the aforementioned Spotted Climbing Perch (Ctenopoma acutirostre) and I am totally in love with this little fish! And little is right, for 'Spot' is only about an inch long at the moment. He's the smallest fish in my tank (well, the honey gourami's might be a fraction smaller). Anyway, Spot is quite the character, and is a lot more friendly since he's settled in. And in fact, he's figured out that he has to be speedy if he wants to eat the tasty bloodworms, otherwise his tankmates get them first. I really should video him zooming around slurping up the bloodworms - I'm quite amused by it.

My plan for the tank as Spot matures is to get rid of his current buddies, so they don't end up as snacks for him and then get a trio of pearl gourami's. (Unless of course, I can talk the parents into a larger tank!!) Because at the moment, the tank is a 33 gallon, and that's about the minimum size for a fish that will get to be Spot's size.

Anyone else have other suggestions for tankmates for Spot? Anyone else have one of these guys? Experiences?


10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 13-Jan-2007 22:49Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 343
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Registered: 16-Jun-2006
male pakistan
Genuine stuff
This little fellow can grow upto 15cm! What an eye catcher would it be when it matures.
Post InfoPosted 13-Jan-2007 23:29Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 16
Kudos: 5
Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
Haha, thanks! He's going to be pretty cool when he's full grown.

10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 13-Jan-2007 23:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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