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  L# WOW! mean bettas turn her on..normal?
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SubscribeWOW! mean bettas turn her on..normal?
Fish Guru
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Registered: 29-Feb-2004
odd title i know, but its TRUE! i bred a back female crowntail to a royal blue crown/viel hybrid (purchased him knowing this) and i got one surviving fry, it turned otu it is a girl (never had a femal survive before!!!) and i noticed her breeding stripes while she was in with 5 other younger bettas from a different spawn (3 females 2 males from this one) and she was practicly BEGGING someone to releave her of her massive load of eggs! im not sure what her color is, but she is a crowntail, and when she is super happy (usualy when i come in the room, and when she is eating) but when she is happy she show up as a steel blue black butterfly but, i have also been trying very hard to pair up a pair i bought special (a perfect example of a crowntail, he carries royal blue/steel blue/black)(the female was a black with rust red fins) but, they iddient like eachother enough to breed..........

now getting back on topic...i took the female out of the 5 gallon planted, away from her "siblings", i floated her in the 85F water, and she began floating on her side(somehting she does when she is stressed) after she floated, i added her to the hurracane jar, now the male is sitting on the bottom pearing through the bottom of the divider in the 10 gallon at his lost mate (how romantic i know lol) and she was still acting stressed, so to get his attention, and to see how she reacted (never seen an adult male before) i watched as she just sat ther, not responding to his ques at all, then, he gets fed up, and tries somehting new, he circles her, then stps at her face, and just looks at her, staring into her eyes looking for a responce, then, he lets her hav it, bites her right on the gill! she flinched and moved away 2 inches but doesnt run then, right before my eyes, here are her stripes, and her head swings down, .... then i came down to tell you guys s oi have to check now. lol
Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 00:24Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 13-Jun-2004
male usa
i kinda figured she is too small for breeding.

a good way to females to release their eggs, is buy changing the water and add two females in a divided tank and let them see eachother. i had this, and my females would every 1 1/2 weeks would drop their eggs.

i thought it was weird how he would attack the face, that is a good quality for plakat fighters, and i thought it was a lost trait in common bettas ,but go figure.
Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 01:33Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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Registered: 29-Feb-2004
lol, maybe he has a lost heritage

but i put her back in the jar, becasue he was continuing to bite at her gills, and lips but now she is a bright blue color with her stripes, wating on him to build a suitable nest for her, and she is rather large chris, she is about 1/2 times the size of another female of mine, and she is also huge with eggs (her belly is all white and streached.) i havent checked them in a bit, so im not sure whats going on right his minuet, buti hope its all good
Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 03:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
(off topic:enjoying my 2 hour delay opening for school, so i am not cutting)

just watch out for infections.
Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 15:27Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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Registered: 29-Feb-2004
grr..havent any delays this year yet

he dident take any peices out (that i can see) but wow, her color is much better than what i had thought, pics coming as soon as i find batteries that arent dead
Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 22:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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