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Subscribepearl gourami
Big Fish
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Registered: 18-May-2003
female usa
Well, thank you.

The kids & I just got home & have acclimated our 3 new pearl gouramies. I am so surprised...the store only had exactly 3 pearls left!!! They had tons of other gouramies, but ironically enough, only we took them all.

I'm fairly certain at least one is a male as it is twice the size of the other 2 (which are very small!).

I also bought a reptile plant as someone suggested since it has a suction cup to stick to the wall, but the plant floats. I'm sorry, I can't remember who was in chat & suggested it, but to whoever it was...THANK YOU!!!!!!

Also, thank you to EVERYONE who helped me make this decision. I wasn't happy to return my angelfish but knew it was for the sake of my other tank fish.

These pearls are GORGEOUS!

Forgot to say that all three have ventured out to explore & all 3 have eaten already. 1 of the smaller ones is alllll over the tanks while the other smaller one & the largest one are still quite timid. Thanks again.

Last edited by angiewny at 07-Apr-2005 13:33
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:48Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 13-May-2003
male canada
I have only two pearl gouramies in my aquarium (a 75 gallon) and it seems to be working out fine. A male and a female would be ideal, but I think two females would probably work. Mine were very young when I bought them, so it was difficult to sex them. They're still fairly small, but I think they might both be males, based on the chasing. They chase each other back and forth a bit, but nothing serious and no real damage. If your tank has enough decorations (especially plants -- real or fake) and the fish can get out of each other's sight, I think you'd be fine. They're beautiful fish, and far more active than I expected.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 430
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Registered: 18-May-2003
female usa
As I've been researching this, I've read a few places that say it is best to keep one male & one female since they will "display" each other...would this really be ok?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:48Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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