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  L# Jumping Swordtails
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SubscribeJumping Swordtails
Communications Specialist
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swords jump all the time, unfortunately
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile Homepage ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
Catfish Lady
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female usa
Check this link out. I didn't know they jumped either until I read this.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa
I actually had one jump out while being transferred from the bag to the tank. He jumped more than six feet from the tank (the top's about 5 feet off the ground) and I didn't even see him do it...

Unfortunately, the cat was sweet enough to find him nearly instantly...

Swords are considered one of the best jumping fish out there, they do it just like salmon climb a stream in breeding season...

PM/email/msg me if you have any questions/comments regarding me or my knowledge or if you want me to read a thread.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile Homepage AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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Some years back I lost three beautiful pineapple swords. When I went to bed they were swimming and acting just fine. When I got ready to feed them the next morning I could not find them anywhere in the tank. After some searching I found all three dried up behind the tank. I learned a lesson that day, swordtails are excellent jumpers and there should be no open areas in the hood big enough for them to jump out of.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
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male usa
i would agree that swords are good jumpers. we put 2 females and 1 male in with 3 RES turtles. by the end of the first day, the male jumped out of the cut-out designed for the powerfilter. we thought the turtles ate him. we didn't find him till 2 days later unfortunately. he was all dried up and on the floor.

the turtle tank water level is about 5" from the top. so the sword must have jumped at least 5" to clear the sides and hood of the tank.

prolific jumper is a good way to describe my experience.

btw, this jumping happened with the hood still on
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
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male chile
Yup, I've read the same thing as T/A. Swordtails in the wild are used to jumping to find new places to live.
I had 2 swordtails and both jumped out several times through an opening only as big as them.
I've read lots of storys of jumping swordtails.
I'm sorry you can't find one of them. If he jumped out, they can get quite far so you should search a bit more. It should really be warned that they might jump when you get them.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Anti Fishman
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male usa
Oh my.. I just got home and I looked in my tank for the 3 new ones. Sadly, I only found 2. I am not sure where the otehr is! I looked all over the floor and everywhere for it. Nowhere to be found..maybe in the filter?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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female australia
I never had a swordtail jump, but fight is another matter. I put in a new bolivian ram, he is a little fella, and the swordtail wouldn't leave him alone. Of all the fish in that tank and it was a swordtail that gave the little guy a hard time. Tail slapping ( which looked quite funny with their swordtail), so in the end I had to put the swordtail in another tank. The one I call the mean tank. Which houses 2 angels, a male molly, a krib and 3 nippy checker barbs. The angel when you trail your finger in front of him, will chase it and bite.] He just started to do that. Sometimes he will bite quite hard. But last night he must have picked up I wasn't feeling the best, cause he chase my finger and then he sort of padded it very gently. It was so cute. (I think it was sucking up to me for some food).
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa
I actually remember reading, that in the wild, they jump out of the water they are in and actually use their tail to spring themselves into another body of water. Even though I haven't kept any, I'd say they can jump really well.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Anti Fishman
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male usa
I just got 3 new swordtails. I took the hood off of my tank for a second and 2 of them jumped out! Are swordtails normally jumpers? I think i had better keep an eye on them
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Anti Fishman
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male usa
Water quality is good. I put them into the 29g and I heard themn jump, but they couldnt get out lol. When they were in the bucket for acclimation i saw one jump like a foot into the air!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
Is your water quality ok?

I've heard they are good jumpers...though I kept several swordtails without a lid for about a week or two, and none jumped out.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
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male usa
I think it all depends on the fish. I've never had my swordtails (before I gave them away) jump out (2 year period) but I've heard lots of stories of them jumping out. Doesn't the profile on fishprofiles say that they are jumpers?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
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female usa
my female swordtail jumped out of the water onto my floating breeding box. I heard one of them jump, but I had the lid on. About 20-30 seconds went by and I took the hood off. She was on the breeder box. She's fine. That was almost 6 months ago. I keep closer track of them now!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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male usa
Actually swords are prolific jumpers and if given the chance they will jump out of any aquarium.. Supply a tight hood with no holes and they should be fine
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Anti Fishman
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male usa
Yeah, I'm afraid to leave them alone now.. they jumped out again when I left the hood off for like a second to fill the bucket! Would it be safe to take them out of quarantine now and add them to the 29? Thanks!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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male uk
Yes they are expert jumpers but they are not famous for jumping out of tanks, or well mine didnt once and I have not heard many storys of them whereas other fish such as African Butterflyfish will jump when they want to get food sometimes and are much more known for being jumpers
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
Small Fry
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male usa
Actually, they are expert jumpers.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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Registered: 24-Nov-2003
male uk
Swordtails are not known to jump out of tanks but they will and can if scared. They wont jump really high but it is always best to have the lid on. Just dont do any sudden movements and if you go in thje water carefully make sure you get them out of the way first.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
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