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  L# Mollies and swordtails
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SubscribeMollies and swordtails
Small Fry
Posts: 14
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Registered: 07-Nov-2004
male usa
Hey everyone,

I just started a 10 gallon aquarium with two silver mollies and two marigold swordtails. A male and a female of each.

First thing off, we noticed that the female swordtail is injured - missing a fin. She is mostly inactive. Should we return her, or just take care of her and give her a chance?

Second, all four fish seem to be having trouble adjusting to feeding. I'm not sure how they were fed at Petco, but I am feeding them with Nutrafin Livebearer Food. They almost seem like they are not used to being top feeders - they wait until the flakes start to sink and then swim around and get them. Perhaps they need just to get used to the way I feed?

Any advice appreciated.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Posts: 269
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Registered: 27-Sep-2004
male usa
About the food, give them time. I think when fishes are newly introduced, they feel the least secure at the top, especially if they don't usually reside there.

About the injured swordtail, in my experience, an ill fish from Petco is usually beyond hope. You might as well return it for a healthier fish.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 14
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Registered: 07-Nov-2004
male usa

The missing-fin fish died yesterday. I guess you were right.

One other question - I have a female guppy in a glass fish bowl who has been on her own for several months since we rescued her from a neighbor's tank where all the guppies were dying. She seems very happy and healthy - any danger in putting her in with the mollies and swordtail? Is there a chance she might be carrying something that the fish were dying of? This was at least six months ago.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Posts: 269
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Registered: 27-Sep-2004
male usa
Six months is long enough to put her in with the other livebearers.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
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