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SubscribeMolly's and platies
Big Fish
Member MTS Anonymous
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male usa
Hi guys I just picked up 6 Gold Crescent Platys, and 2 Lyre Tail Mollys. I got them for my GF's tank. Now. I have no idea what I even need to know, The tank they are going into when it finishes cycling is a Ten Gallon, Anything I should be aware of from the outset, (other than the tank isn't big enough, I know that and am planning a larger set up for them later on.)

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Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 22:57Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
That is way too many fish for a ten gallon tank. Mollies alone get about 3 inches and platies at about 2 inches. thats 18 inches of fish.

And you most likely have males and females mixed so prepare for fry.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jun-2007 00:05Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
I think it'll be ok for a temporary setup.

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 26-Jun-2007 00:27Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
It is a Temporary set up I have a 40 gallon bowfront sitting next to the 10 gallon tank screaming at me. As for the fry I have a bunch of hungry Rainbows in another tank.

Anything I need to know about keeping them? food preferences, hiding places, etc? and only the platies are mixed sex the Mollys are two males.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jun-2007 03:04Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Joe Potato
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I've found that livebearers do better with a bit of aquarium salt in their water.

As far as food goes, they'll take just about anything. The thing to watch, though, is that they are absolutely ravenous.

Hiding places can't hurt, as in that small a tank you might get some aggression between males (nothing that should cause injury, but you still need a place for the loser to go sulk in ). Some broad-leaved plants like Java fern or some of those little barrel aquarium decorations would work for that.

As RNJ_Punk wrote, that's a heck of a lot of fish for a 10 gallon. They should ideally be kept in their for as short a time as possible before putting them in the 40. Livebearers put out a lot of waste for their size, so be sure to keep up on the water changes.

If the lyre-tail mollies are black mollies, they prefer a bit warmer temperature than most tropicals (think high 70s, low 80s). With the platies included, though, I'd keep it at around 78.

Livebearers are pretty forgiving fish. If you're keeping rainbows no problem, I can't imagine that livebearers will give you much grief.

Joe Potato
Post InfoPosted 26-Jun-2007 05:47Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Member MTS Anonymous
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Registered: 09-Jan-2007
male usa
Thanks Joe, I will do all of that I use Salt on some tanks for Water clarity I cant do that with my Rainbows cause I have a 4 Clown Loaches in there, but the rest I will do. I was going to add in our Betta but he was beating up the Molly's so He is staying where he is with the Danios. None of the other fish use the cave I have in there So I will move it over tonight.

I keep the tanks around 78 anyway so no problem there.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jun-2007 23:34Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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