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L# Freshwater Species
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  L# Pregnant Platy?
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SubscribePregnant Platy?
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Registered: 28-Oct-2004
male australia
hey guys.

i was wondering how i should be able to tell when my female platy is pregnant? how long will she stay pregnant before giving birth?

thanks guys
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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male canada
The females get more and more plump. Also, if you can see the female in the right light, the the bottom quadrant near the anal fin looks darker. Odds are, if you have a male and a female together, your female is pregnant! Platies are very ... prolific!

Last edited by DoctorJ at 15-Nov-2004 09:18
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 27-Sep-2004
male usa
Several hours before birth, the abdomen will look like a cube. If you plan on removing the platy before birth, you should do it as soon as possible when you see this if you haven't already. Otherwise, the stress will likely delay the births.

Gestation is around 4 weeks, but that varies, of course.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
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female usa
look for a gravid (black) spot by her anal fin, if it's there she's pregnant...if she's not and there is a male in the tank then she will be soon enough...once she is pregnant she can stay pregnant for up to 6 months without a male being once every month you will have a batch of fry without a guy around, because they can store the "hmmm, stuff needed" for reproducing... Have fun!!! Heidi

"I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom." Thomas Carlyle
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Report 
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